How To Choose A Daughter's Name

How To Choose A Daughter's Name
How To Choose A Daughter's Name

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At all times and among all peoples it was believed that the name given to a newborn plays an important role in his life. It shapes the fate of a person, leaving a certain imprint on him. When choosing a name for their little daughter, parents should think about it.

How to choose a daughter's name
How to choose a daughter's name


Step 1

Mom and Dad always want to name their daughter beautifully and extraordinary. Sometimes the child's name is chosen in advance. And after the baby is born, the parents suddenly realize that it does not suit their baby at all. Take your name seriously. After all, it will accompany your daughter throughout her long and happy life.

Step 2

You can remember the church rules and name your daughter according to old Orthodox customs. Choose the name of the saint mentioned in the Holy Calendar on the baby's birthday or on the next day following this event. By the way, it is he who will be considered the real birthday of the child. If you want your daughter's name to be native Russian, keep in mind that there are very few of them. Most of the names have either Latin, Greek, or Jewish roots. There are several more Old Russian and a fairly large selection of Old Slavic ones. All of them are mentioned in the huge "Encyclopedia of Names".

Step 3

In your desire to name the baby non-standard, unique, do not come up with a dissonant and pretentious name. With him, your baby will have a hard time in the company of peers, and adults will not be deprived of attention. Try to make the daughter's name harmoniously combined with the last name and patronymic, and also be easily perceived and pronounced. Otherwise, there is a risk that it will be distorted both in documents and during communication, in a conversation.

Step 4

According to popular beliefs, you should not name your daughter after a deceased grandmother, sister or other beloved relative. Especially if the fate of these people was not easy, tragic. It is not recommended to give girls double names that are consonant with men: Valentina, Alexandra, Eugene. It is believed that there is a masculine principle in them, and a man who is next to such a woman becomes weak-willed and weak.
