There are many signs of pregnancy. If ultrasound examination, examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist and a pregnancy test are the most reliable of them, then a lot of other symptoms can be distinguished that make one think about a possible replenishment in the family.

You can assume the presence of pregnancy even before the onset of menstruation. During implantation of the ovum into the uterus, which occurs 6-10 days after fertilization, some women feel a slight tingling sensation in the lower abdomen or ovarian area. The so-called implantation bleeding may occur - a few drops of blood appear on the underwear, and menstruation does not subsequently begin. Particularly attentive pregnant women also notice bloody discharge in the morning when cleansing the nose.
Symptoms such as morning sickness, delay in the next menstruation, drowsiness, swelling and soreness of the mammary glands, sudden mood swings, excessive irritability and tearfulness, increased urination, increased taste and smell, glandular taste in the mouth will help to suspect pregnancy without a test and visit a doctor. increased or decreased appetite, craving for certain foods, mild pain in the uterus, a jump or drop in libido.
Pregnancy can be suspected using the basal body temperature measurement method. To build a graph, the body temperature in the anus, vagina or mouth is measured every morning at the same time. At the onset of pregnancy, on the graph you can see the drop in temperature during implantation of the ovum, and then its increase, which persists throughout the first trimester of pregnancy.
There are also popular ways to determine pregnancy at home. For example, if iodine is dropped into the urine of a pregnant woman, the drop will not spread and remain on the surface. If the soda thrown into the urine hisses, then pregnancy has not occurred, but if it precipitates, on the contrary.
However, all of the listed signs of pregnancy are not reliable; only a doctor can accurately determine the presence or absence of an ovum in the uterus.