Almost all parents expecting the birth of a baby imagine how it will look. Some, thanks to ultrasound examinations, could even see the baby's face before birth. But no amount of research can answer the question: "How tall will your child be?"

- calculator
- tailoring tape or stadiometer
Step 1
Some research makes it possible to estimate your child's future growth with some degree of probability. For this, all that is needed: to find out the height of mom and dad, and the desired formula. There are several such formulas, but they all give almost the same result in the end. Let's imagine them. All calculations are carried out in centimeters.
Step 2
We count by the formula: we add the height of the mother to the height of the dad, we divide the resulting number in half. To find out the boy's height, add five to the result. If you expect a daughter, then subtract five centimeters from the original amount. (Some researchers suggest the number 6, 5 instead of 5 centimeters).
Step 3
There is another formula by which you can also determine the height of your baby when he grows up. The boy's formula looks like this: multiply the height of the mother by 1.08, then add the height of the father and divide the resulting number by 2. The formula for girls looks a little different: multiply the height of the father by 0.923, add the height of the mother and divide the resulting number by 2 …
Step 4
Of course, all these calculations will not give a 100% accurate result. But you will have an idea of what your child will look like in the future. After all, it has long been known that many factors affect a person's growth, first of all, genetic predisposition. If all the women in the family from generation to generation are short, then the daughter will not be a giantess. She will outgrow her mother by at most five to seven centimeters. The boy will be about the same height as all his grandfathers, uncles, and of course his father. Secondly, the geographical environment is of considerable importance for a person's growth. It has long been known that the inhabitants of southern countries have always been short. While the inhabitants of the northern countries are much taller than their counterparts living in hot countries. Thirdly, not the last place is occupied by proper balanced nutrition. It has long been proven that you need to eat enough protein-rich foods to produce growth hormone. Constant psychological stress lowers growth hormone levels. Sometimes the growth of the child slows down or, conversely, the baby becomes noticeably taller than his peers. This is due to an excess or deficiency of growth hormone. And this is already a serious disease, which, if detected early, is treatable.