Music plays a big role in the upbringing and development of babies. It helps the little man to learn the world of emotions, and in older children it develops such qualities as memory, attentiveness, perseverance.

The influence of music on children
From birth, babies pay attention to sounds. Some scare them, others delight. Having become interested in this phenomenon, scientists conducted numerous studies, thanks to which they found a pattern between the development of a child and the music he listened to as a child.
Calm or classical music, sounds of nature, ethnic compositions or children's songs relax the child and give him a sense of security. The songs that the mother sings to the baby with love, cultivate a feeling of love and tenderness in the baby, create a strong bond between mother and child.
How to listen to music correctly?
You should start listening to music from a very early age.
Even when the baby is still in the mother's womb, you can put headphones on the tummy and play beautiful calm music at a low volume.
After the baby is born, it is helpful to play tunes in the room, but not too loudly. It is best to listen to them for about half an hour before going to bed or immediately after waking up. If the child seems too sluggish, play something more rhythmic and fun instead of classical music. With such music it is simply impossible to remain without action. When feeding a baby, you can put on a beautiful melodic song that will help to improve the mood and reduce the number of whims.
What kind of music do kids like the most?
Newborn babies like calm and quiet music that does not scare or annoy them. It can be a classical melody or sounds of nature. Under such easy-to-hear melodies, children calm down and fall asleep faster. And the classics are also useful for the development of mental abilities and the acquisition of delicate taste.
Older toddlers like specialized nursery rhymes. You can include a cut from cartoons so that the child not only listens to funny melodies, but also sees the image. Kids dance funny to this music, learn to move to the beat, their mood rises.
Try to select melodies from domestic cartoons.
There is nothing better for a child of any age than listening to the voice of his mother. Children especially love it when she sings melodic and soothing songs to them. These can be both lullabies and simply lyrical songs, because the main thing is not the content and words, but the feelings that are transmitted through them. When singing, you need to hold the child in your arms, gently rocking and stroking to the beat of the music.
Please your kids with your favorite songs, because for them it is not just entertainment, it is a way of learning about the world!