What Is The "law Of Meanness"

What Is The "law Of Meanness"
What Is The "law Of Meanness"

There are situations when everything that happens can be explained solely by the conspiracy of the Universe against a specific person. Important items are lost, fragile ones are broken, the bus leaves right under the nose, and the boss arrives at work early and in a bad mood. These are just a few manifestations of the so-called "law of meanness".


The laws of the manifestation of trouble

The Law of Vileness, the Rule of the Sandwich, and Murphy's Law are all names for the same joking principle of philosophy that trouble is bound to happen, no matter how low the likelihood of it. In our country, this principle is called the sandwich rule, since there is a joking expression that a sandwich always falls butter down, despite the fact that, from the point of view of probability theory, the chance of this is only 50%. In the West, a similar observation is called Murphy's Law, after the American Air Force engineer Edward Murphy, who said that if there was the slightest chance that trouble could happen, it would definitely happen. On the basis of this principle, several more humorous sayings were invented, including the so-called "main consequence": if a trouble cannot happen, it will happen anyway.

There are many consequences and conclusions from Murphy's law. There are many sites on the Internet, the authors of which have collected most of the comic calculations on the law of meanness and its manifestations.

Universe counteraction technique

In ordinary life, people tend to explain many of their failures by the law of meanness. Ultimately, this becomes an excuse for their own inactivity and lack of initiative. It is easy enough to see in the sandwich rule a call not to make any sandwiches at all, however, this is a flawed approach. If it seems to you that the law of meanness manifests itself especially clearly in your life, it is worth analyzing your mood, actions and thoughts. In a number of cases, numerous troubles are explained by a defeatist attitude, when a person subconsciously expects that everything will go contrary to his plans.

One of the most famous manifestations of the law of meanness is the so-called "general's effect", which consists in the fact that in the presence of a customer or a management, even an ideal system begins to work with errors.

In general, almost every person can fight Murphy's law. To do this, it is necessary, firstly, to minimize the likelihood that a nuisance will occur, secondly, to exclude those options for the wrong development of events that can be excluded, and thirdly, to prepare in advance to correct the situation. For example, in the case of the same sandwich, the algorithm of actions to overcome the law of meanness will look like this:

- cook and eat a sandwich over the table;

- make closed sandwiches with bread on both sides;

- cover the floor with newspaper.

Of course, the above example relates more to the field of humor than to a practical guide, but do not forget that Murphy's law itself is nothing more than a joke principle, and it is stupid to explain your troubles to them. In practice, it makes sense to leave the house in advance so as not to be late, learn how to plan time, put things in their places and be careful with fragile objects.
