How To Sleep At 9 Months

How To Sleep At 9 Months
How To Sleep At 9 Months

The ninth month of pregnancy for a woman is the most difficult physically. Discomfort when walking is already completely habitual. A woman constantly experiences difficulties in adopting a comfortable horizontal position, so some recommendations in this matter will not be superfluous.

How to sleep at 9 months
How to sleep at 9 months

With the onset of the final month of pregnancy, the labor process can begin at any time. At this time, the child is already considered full-term, and his small body is quite ready to meet with the outside world.

Well-being of a woman in the ninth month of pregnancy

Starting from the 36th week of gestation, a pregnant woman may experience new sensations. Heartburn, increased gas formation, constipation, vomiting, dizziness and headaches are possible.

Also, various kinds of muscle cramps during sleep, swelling of the nasal mucosa or nosebleeds may appear. In addition, a woman who is 9 months pregnant feels pain in the spine, soreness in the pelvis, and very frequent urge to urinate.

During this period, uterine spasms intensify and difficulties arise when moving and during sleep. The characteristic symptoms of 9 months can also be called increased vaginal discharge and the presence of blood streaks in them.

At this stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother can become very excitable, especially when thinking about the upcoming birth. Many women report the presence of fear and distraction. This state is facilitated by a change in the child's activity, because he no longer has enough space, and he does not push, but makes twisting movements.

Sleep in the ninth month of pregnancy

Most pregnant women feel sleepy all the time. This is a normal reaction of the body to changes in it. The expectant mother during this period is experiencing a very great emotional stress. Therefore, fatigue sets in quickly enough and the woman constantly wants to lie down to rest.

You need to sleep as much as you want. The best solution would be to give up all kinds of evening entertainment in favor of sleep, and just before him take a short walk, after which it will be easier to fall asleep.

A minimum of 8 hours of sleep is recommended. The best time to go to bed is around 10 pm, as sleep is most healthful from that time until 1 am. The sleeping area should not be very soft, but not too hard. The best sleeping position is on the right side, in extreme cases, on the back, but not on the stomach.

A pregnant woman who spends most of her time at home can afford to sleep a couple of hours during the day. It is possible to avoid daytime sleepiness by spending more time outdoors. Stuffy and heavily smoked rooms, as well as places where there is a large crowd of people, must be avoided.
