Only by becoming parents, dad and mom can evaluate the experience and further decide whether they want another child. It is quite difficult for many spouses to decide on the birth of a second baby, since the memories of the difficulties with the first child are still fresh. It's time to take a closer look at this difficult issue.

Step 1
Some women have doubts about conceiving a second child, since the first pregnancy turned out to be very difficult: constantly tormenting toxicosis, visits to doctors, problems with work, the need to stay in the hospital. Surely, every woman has something to remember. Endless questions begin to torment. Will the pregnancy be tolerated normally? Will there be enough strength and patience for two children? Is there enough attention for an older child?
Step 2
The first child is usually long-awaited, he is given care and love not only by parents, but also by all relatives. And having decided to have a second baby, dad and mom start to worry - will they love children equally? Remember that parental love knows no boundaries, it is inexhaustible, there is enough room in the heart for ten children. But keep in mind that one baby may be more drawn to mom, another to dad. For some parents, the sex of the unborn child is important, if a boy was born first, then the second must certainly be born a girl. There is no need to drive yourself into such a framework, since nature does not give you a choice.
Step 3
If the children have an age difference of no more than one and a half years, then they can become great friends. The only negative is the rivalry for the love of parents and for toys. The good news is that the children will have many common interests, but the daily routine will be significantly different (at first). And it will be convenient for mom to smoothly leave from one maternity leave to the next. The difference of up to eight years is quite convenient for parents, since the older child has already grown up and you can devote a little more time to the younger one. Their interests will be completely different, but the older child can take care of the newborn. If the first child is already ten years old, he is already completely independent, the parents become bored and lonely. There will be no particular jealousy of the elder for the little one, but the help of the first child can be very useful.
Step 4
If you are stopped by the lack of a lot of material wealth, you do not need to worry. Even if you cannot buy fancy expensive items or toys for your little one, you will still be the best mom for him. In fact, the second child will not cost you as much as some think. Surely you still have a crib, a stroller, a highchair from your first child, and some good things. And on the market there is a large selection of quality products at an affordable price. Imagine how much they will give you for the birth of a baby. The only thing you need to be prepared for is that most of the money will go to diapers.
Step 5
Women began to value themselves more, love and pity themselves. Small apartments are considered a kind of dwelling, now people need spacious areas. Parents want to relax several times a year (and not on the beaches of the Krasnodar Territory), dream of a more beautiful and expensive car, look at branded things. Having achieved a certain goal, people strive for something more perfect. But with such opportunities, people continue to fear the future. All this sooner or later becomes boring and commonplace. Just imagine what happiness, how many funny moments the second child will bring to your family, how much he will bring mom and dad together. You will support him in the first steps, rejoice in victories. You will have the opportunity to teach an older child to love a sister or brother, make friends, take care. And there will be something to live for, to strive for.