The fourth month of pregnancy is the period when toxicosis finally stops and the woman blooms right before her eyes from her interesting position. Significant changes are also taking place with the baby.

How does the fetus develop at 16 weeks of gestation?
A baby at 16 weeks of gestation already has a decent size. From the crown to the tailbone, on average, the baby has a length of 11 cm. The baby should weigh about 120 g at this time. The baby is similar in its parameters to the average-sized avocado.
If an ultrasound examination is prescribed at this time, the doctor will look not only at the full length of the child, but also at the length of individual parts of the body. The size of the forearm in the fetus at this time should be 12-18 mm, the head circumference should be within 11-13 mm. The umbilical cord at the sixteenth week will be about 50 centimeters long. Its average diameter is 2 cm. It is quite strong and flexible. Therefore, you should not worry that a child can grab her and somehow harm himself. Even if this happens, he will not bring himself any harm.
Outwardly, the child no longer looks like an embryo, but like a little man. At the 16th obstetric week of pregnancy, the following changes occur with the baby:
- The legs are getting longer. As a result, the small body takes on human proportions.
- The eyes are still too prominent and too far apart. But don't worry. They will fall into place very soon.
- The eyelids have almost completed their development and are ready to open.
- The genitals are developing. Thanks to the ultrasound machine, an experienced specialist can tell future parents who they are waiting for. The main thing is that the child does not close himself from the doctor. You can ask the specialist to take a picture of the child and give it to the parents as a keepsake. Although the picture will be black and white, it will become significant. After all, this is one of the first photographs of a child.
- The skeleton begins to actively ossify. The mother's body needs more and more calcium. It is desirable to get it from food. Taking vitamins is possible only as directed by a doctor.
- The baby's muscles are improving.
The child is already acquiring some skills. While they are unconscious. The brain is responsible for any movement. The kid is already capable of:
- Make grimaces.
- Move your arms and legs.
- Turn your head from left to right and back.
- Keep your head straight.
- Suck your thumb.
- Swallow amniotic fluid.
These skills are very important for a small organism. For example, due to attempts to swallow amniotic fluid, they are converted into urine, which is then excreted from the body. On average, a child urinates every 45 minutes. These trainings are very important for the further proper functioning of the kidneys and genitourinary system of the child.
The baby's heart is already capable of pumping blood in the amount of 25 liters per day. It is not the liver, as before, but the bone marrow that is responsible for hematopoiesis. In addition to the usual elements, fetal hemoglobin is found in the child's blood. You can determine the blood group and Rh factor of the baby. The liver begins to perform its digestive functions at 16 obstetric week. Soon the stomach, intestines and gall bladder will begin their duties. Initially, all of their work will be of a training nature.
In the baby's intestines, meconium gradually begins to accumulate - this is the original excrement, which is almost entirely composed of bile. Meconium is black-green in color. Normally, he should go out on the first day after the birth of the child.
What changes occur to a pregnant woman at the 16th obstetric week of pregnancy?
The woman's body has changed markedly since the beginning of pregnancy. But there is no need to think anything up. The peculiarity of a woman in an interesting position, as a rule, lies in the fact that for others she almost always looks great.
A woman can pay attention to how pleasant and silky her skin has become. The appearance of age spots or a vertical dark line of the abdomen is possible, but in general her condition is more than satisfactory. The same can be said for a woman's hair. As a rule, they practically do not fall out throughout pregnancy. The reason for this is pregnancy hormones.
The breast increases in size. All pre-pregnant bras will be small. Moreover, both the volume under the breast and the size of the cup itself can change. Don't skimp on new underwear. Having the right bra can help reduce stress on the bonds and skin of your breasts.
Most often, the sensitivity of the nipples in the second trimester decreases slightly. Still, it is worth reconsidering your transition from lace and synthetic underwear to cotton. Many women enjoy using seamless underwear that looks like a regular tank top. It perfectly supports the chest and does not cause discomfort.
If a woman now decides to put on tight clothes, then her belly will immediately become visible to others. But some may still hide their pregnancy by wearing loose-fitting clothing.
The uterus at 16 weeks of gestation weighs about a quarter of a kilogram. The amniotic fluid surrounding the baby is about the same weight.
A woman's heart, if she is healthy, has adapted to the additional load and pumps more and more blood.
There is still a lot of time until the end of pregnancy. But now the spine and muscles are adapting to the increased load. The belly will now get bigger every week. And if a woman is carrying twins, then its volume will increase even faster. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe the wearing of a special bandage. The stories that he can harm the fetus by changing its location are nothing more than a myth.
What does the expectant mother feel at the 16th week of pregnancy?
The time when a woman was tormented by toxicosis is in the past. Now her condition is much better. The body gradually gets used to the new state. A pregnant woman may not have any symptoms at all during the second trimester. But the opposite situation takes place, when a pregnant woman experiences everything on herself:
- Difficulty breathing due to enlargement of the uterus and increased pressure on the diaphragm.
- Small swelling in the arms and legs. It is important to monitor them very carefully. They should not be present for a long time. If a woman very often observes puffiness, then this should be discussed with a doctor. You may need to monitor water intake. In some cases, a specialist prescribes drugs that help remove excess water from the body.
- Constipation. To prevent them, you need to constantly monitor your diet. In case of constipation, you can eat prunes. It will be able to help empty the bowel from feces.
- A physiological runny nose can appear any week and does not stop until delivery. It is considered normal if there are no symptoms of a cold.
- Appetite improves. Eating addictions can manifest themselves in the second trimester, but not so much.
- The manifestation of the tunnel syndrome is possible. A woman may feel pain and numbness in her wrists.
But the most remarkable sensation this week may be the first movements of the fetus. Don't be upset if they are not there yet. They will be significant very soon. It will even be possible to determine what exactly the child decided to push his mother with. In the meantime, the first sensations look like the touch of a feather somewhere inside the abdomen.
Recommendations to follow at 16 weeks of gestation
If the expectant mother has not done this yet, then now is the time to buy special pants or jeans for pregnant women that will not put pressure on her stomach.
Also, for car trips, it is worth purchasing a special seat belt adapter. In the event of a car skidding, sudden braking or an accident, it will prevent the belt from pressing on the pregnant woman's abdomen.
At the 16th week of pregnancy, it is usually not necessary to take any tests. But the doctor may prescribe examinations in case of suspicion of fetal pathologies or deviations from the norm in the health of the expectant mother.
To sleep at this time, a woman is already only on her side. Prolonged lying on the back can lead to additional pressure on the vessels and internal organs of the fetus. Lying on your stomach now will not work either. The enlarged belly simply will not allow you to do this. If necessary, you can put a pillow between your legs or buy a special pillow for pregnant women in the shape of a horseshoe or a crescent. It can be used after the birth of the baby, placing it under the baby during feeding.
You should not visit saunas and hot baths, as well as be under the influence of sunlight for a long time. But it is advisable to walk daily. Also, visiting the pool has a positive effect on the well-being of a pregnant woman.