By the fifteenth week of pregnancy, a woman is quite familiar with the future role of a mother. At this time, all household members should get used to the idea that it is becoming more and more difficult for her to do housework, so each family member needs to provide all possible help to the pregnant woman. Such joint efforts should bring the family closer and prepare for a serious change in life - the birth of a child.

At 15 weeks of pregnancy, a brown line can already be seen on the woman's abdomen, which stretches from the navel to the pubic bone. It appears due to an increase in the body's production of melanin. Do not worry about its appearance, after giving birth, this strip will quickly disappear.
Hair begins to grow on the baby's head, although at this time it looks more like a fluff. The skin of the fetus is still very thin, with a red tint. According to scientists, already at fifteen weeks of pregnancy, the baby's heart passes through itself more than 20 liters of blood per day.
In the fetus, the kidneys are actively working, releasing urine into the amniotic fluid, which maintains their constant composition. The amniotic fluid, of course, does not consist of urine alone, but is renewed due to the work of the amniotic bladder about 8-10 times a day. All this helps to maintain the correct ratio of water, organic matter and minerals. Amniotic fluid protects the baby from damage, makes it possible to move freely, helps in the development of the lungs, digestive system, and kidneys.
Since the baby spends the first 9 months of his life in the water environment, the idea of giving birth in water has appeared in society. It is believed that this will make it easier for the baby to get used to life outside the womb. The choice of the method and place of childbirth in any case remains with the woman, at fifteen weeks of pregnancy it is already possible to start selecting a maternity hospital in which the baby will be born.