Tenth Week Of Pregnancy

Tenth Week Of Pregnancy
Tenth Week Of Pregnancy

By the tenth week, the embryonic stage ends, and the embryo can rightfully be called a fetus. From this period, the baby already has a fully formed placenta and umbilical cord, and the heart beats so loudly that it can be easily heard when visiting a gynecologist.

Tenth week of pregnancy
Tenth week of pregnancy

At this stage of pregnancy, a new period of fetal development begins. Somewhere from about 10 to 12 weeks, the fetus weighs about 12 g, and the height is 6-6, 5 cm. But all the same, even though the size of the fetus is still very small, it becomes more and more like a little man. His tail is no longer visible, he already has fingers, arms and legs, which he carefully tries to squeeze into fists, tries to move his legs and wiggle his head.

The genitals are forming, but the sex cannot be determined yet. Also during this period, auricles, sponges appear, a diaphragm, the rudiments of milk teeth begin to form gradually, and the brain develops. If no abnormalities were noticed in the fetus before 10 weeks, then it can be argued that congenital diseases do not threaten him.

In the tenth week of the expectant mother, a period of mood swings, depression and increased excitability begins, all this happens due to the appearance of hormones in her body. Also during this period, there may appear: an increase in the thyroid gland, looseness of the gums, loss of teeth and the appearance of nodules in the mammary gland. The tummy at this time is still completely invisible.

But the woman still starts to gain weight. Some mothers continue in the morning with nausea and vomiting, discomfort and pain in the abdomen, loss of energy and frequent urination. But you should not worry about this, since in the next couple of weeks, all these symptoms will pass. But if suddenly the pain is very severe and continues for a long time, you need to see a doctor.
