From the eleventh week, the fetus begins to grow rapidly. The belly of the pregnant woman also begins to enlarge. The frequency of changes in blood pressure also increases, which can be accompanied by signs such as weakness and dizziness.

From the eleventh week, the fetus begins to grow rapidly. The belly of the pregnant woman also begins to enlarge. The fetal head is large and occupies half of the entire body, as the brain is actively developing. The approximate weight of the fruit is 7 grams.
The child increases in size approximately 2 times in a week. He develops the skills of sucking, swallowing and yawning. In the fetus, organs are formed: liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs, which then begin to function. At the end of 11 weeks, the baby's genitals are formed and the cardiovascular system is finishing its formation. The fetus has strengthened cervical muscles, it can raise the head. The child has already developed a grasping reflex. He can distinguish between smells and sometimes hiccups.
A pregnant woman often complains of stuffiness and heat. The frequency of changes in blood pressure increases, which can be accompanied by signs such as weakness and dizziness. Frequent mood swings, increased anxiety, increased irritation and tearfulness - all this is experienced by a pregnant woman. The main thing is to show understanding and patience. At the eleventh week, you can feel the movement of the fetus. Hormonal changes that occur in a pregnant woman often lead to hair and nail problems.
The expectant mother needs to take good care of her health and try not to get sick, as this can affect the health of the unborn child (defects in the development of the fetus may form). This period is still at risk, therefore, if a pregnant woman has a stomach ache, then an urgent need to consult a gynecologist.
The expectant mother should eat right. Porridge, vegetables, fruits, beef, nuts, herbs, cottage cheese - all this should be included in the daily diet of a pregnant woman. Do not overeat too much, as heartburn and constant constipation will torment. It is better to eat in small portions, but more often.