The benefits of a private car are obvious, especially during pregnancy. It will save you from the long wait for public transport, there is no need to fear that someone might push or press you down, and the possibility of catching viral diseases is significantly reduced. There are a lot of advantages, but there are also certain difficulties, because during pregnancy, great changes take place in a woman's body. Being pregnant, a woman should not be nervous, and driving a car involves stressful situations, when you need to be able to concentrate in time and act with lightning speed. Here are some helpful tips to help you drive as safe as possible during pregnancy.

Step 1
Do not neglect the seat belt. Most pregnant women believe that a seat belt can harm their baby, so they simply do not use it. In fact, this is a dangerous delusion. Seat belts cannot harm a child; on the contrary, they will help keep him out of harm's way. Being pregnant, the expectant mother should be responsible not only for herself.
Step 2
Avoid rush hour travel. Plan your trips to avoid traffic jams. Pregnant women are not recommended to sit in one position for a long time, and in a traffic jam, you will simply have to sit for hours without moving.
Step 3
Check the alignment of the rearview mirrors and driver's seat at all times. During pregnancy, the female figure is constantly changing. This feature must be taken into account when adjusting the driver's seat and mirrors. The distance from the steering wheel to the abdomen should be at least 10 centimeters.
Step 4
Do not violate traffic rules. It should always be remembered that if before pregnancy you were a very confident and experienced driver and sometimes allowed yourself to break the rules in order to take a shortcut or avoid traffic jams, now everything is different. During pregnancy, some reactions in the body slow down, so a woman should be extremely careful on the road and strictly follow all the rules.
Step 5
Stop and rest periodically. On long journeys, stop and get out of the car to improve circulation and warm up. You should always have a supply of drinking water and something light to eat in your car, as well as warm clothes and a blanket.
Step 6
Do not drive during toxicosis. The smell of gasoline and exhaust fumes can cause you severe irritation, headaches and even fainting.
Step 7
Don't drive during periods of emotional turmoil. At such moments, the likelihood of inappropriate driving behavior is very high, which can lead to very sad consequences.
Step 8
Do not try to drive to the hospital on your own if you already have contractions. In this case, it is necessary to urgently call for help close people who will call an ambulance. Even if it seems to you that the contractions are not strong, it is still better not to take risks and not endanger yourself and the child.