There are only a few weeks left until the momentous event. The woman's body is preparing with might and main for the upcoming birth. And the baby accumulates strength. After all, birth requires a lot of strength from him too.

What does a fetus look like at 34 weeks of gestation?
34 obstetric week of pregnancy says that 32 weeks have passed since conception. By this time, the baby is almost completely ready for life outside the mother's body. But there is still about 6 weeks before the estimated due date. During this time, the child will get stronger and gain weight. Therefore, do not rush things. Now its weight is 2000-2500 grams. The baby's height is about 44 centimeters. A child can be compared in size to a butternut squash. Do not be alarmed if, according to the results of the examination on the ultrasound machine, the doctor indicated larger or smaller parameters. In the third trimester, they can be very different. This is especially true for twins. Their sizes will differ from the size of one baby in the womb.
The kid at this time can no longer roll freely. Free space is getting smaller. And there is not enough room for somersaults. In addition to sleep, he already knows how to:
- Grab and release the umbilical cord.
- Suck your thumb.
- Hiccup.
- Squint and grimace.
- Move your arms and legs.
All movements of the child are considered unconscious. They occur at the level of reflexes under the guidance of the brain. It is important to ensure that there are at least 10 tremors for half a day. If their number is significantly lower or the pregnant woman has ceased to feel movements at all, then you should consult a doctor as an emergency. Doctors with the help of ultrasound diagnostics will be able to determine if everything is in order with the baby. An urgent caesarean section may be required.
In the thirty-fourth week of pregnancy, the baby continues the same changes as in the previous weeks. Namely:
- Strengthening and mineralization of bones occurs due to calcium supplied from the mother's body.
- The subcutaneous fat layer gradually thickens.
- Lanugo disappears.
- The skin gradually straightens out and acquires an increasingly normal color. Skin color will return to normal a few days after childbirth.
- The amount of original lubricant on the skin gradually increases. This will help the baby pass through the birth canal during labor.
- The endocrine system produces hormones.
What does the expectant mother feel at 34 weeks pregnant?
The third trimester is one of the most difficult in the life of a pregnant woman. The expectant mother constantly feels tired. It is difficult for a pregnant woman to walk because of a large abdomen. Sleep quality also deteriorates markedly. Finding a comfortable position is getting harder and harder. Every day it becomes more difficult for a pregnant woman to do basic things - to sit down, lie down, get up, lace up her shoes. Long standing on your feet can also lead to pain.
And if in the first trimester, many pregnant women experienced toxicosis. But then her movements were not constrained. Now a woman may experience the following sensations:
- Heartburn.
- Swelling in the arms and legs.
- Itching on the skin. Especially in the abdomen, thighs and chest. This occurs as a result of stretching of the epidermis.
- Constant desire to go to the toilet "in a small way."
- Constipation.
- Leg cramps.
If a woman experiences convulsions, which are especially aggravated at night during sleep, then it is imperative to inform the gynecologist who is leading the pregnancy. If necessary, a specialist will determine the dosage of drugs based on magnesium necessary to stop seizures.
All feelings are individual. And if one pregnant woman can experience all the symptoms on herself, then the other may not have any signs throughout the pregnancy.
Premature birth at 34 weeks gestation
Pregnancy should normally last until at least 38 obstetric weeks. It is by that time that the fetus is considered fully ready for life outside the womb. But if labor activity began earlier, then you should not despair. At 34 weeks of gestation, child survival is quite high. In some cases, it is possible for the child to be in the conditions of pediatric intensive care.
Some newborns at this time are immediately able to breathe on their own and have reflexes to suck breast milk. In such cases, staying in a hospital for the child is necessary until he gains a normal weight.
Quite often, childbirth at 34 weeks occurs if a woman is carrying twins. Although babies weigh less than usual, as a result of the fact that there are two children in the uterus, a woman's belly is an order of magnitude larger than that of a pregnant woman with one child.
At this time, the woman already needs to decide on the type of delivery. Some people prefer natural childbirth. Others think that a caesarean section is a great option. There are many indications for the operation. The main ones are:
- Clinically narrow pelvis.
- Transverse or breech presentation.
- Multiple pregnancy.
- The presence of a cesarean section in the history of a pregnant woman.
- Placenta previa.
- Big kid.
Also, a cesarean section can be prescribed in cases where a pregnant woman has health problems. Vaginal childbirth is a rather difficult process, and in some cases, the female body is simply not able to cope with the load.
Recommendations at 34 weeks of gestation
Normally, the baby should have turned its head down for a long time. If the child is positioned correctly, the doctor may prescribe wearing a brace to relieve the stress from a very heavy abdomen. If the fetus is head up or has a transverse presentation, then wearing a bandage is not the best option. Although there is very little time left before delivery, the baby can still fit in the abdomen correctly.
Swimming is a good way to help you get in the right position. The best option is water aerobics in the pool. But if you don't feel like doing the exercises, then you can just swim. Between open reservoirs and a pool, it is worth choosing the second option.
For a woman at 34 weeks pregnant, as in all other weeks, it is especially important to monitor her diet. No harmful foods should be in the diet. But it is also imperative to use plant foods that are rich in calcium. Otherwise, the baby's body will receive the necessary trace elements at the expense of the mother's body. As a result, the teeth of a pregnant woman may begin to crumble.
Physical activity must be present. Pregnancy is not a disease, but a condition of the female body. Do not limit yourself too much and lie in front of the TV all day. In addition, walking in the fresh air will reduce the likelihood of hypoxia. The main thing is to know in all measure and not to allow the body to fatigue.
If a woman has edema, then it is imperative to tell the doctor about this. They may be prescribed special ointments or medications that reduce both the swelling themselves and the load on the kidneys.
For any walks, you must take with you in your purse an exchange card of a pregnant woman, a passport, snills and a birth certificate In the event of the onset of labor, these documents are required for admission to a medical institution. All the rest, if necessary, can be brought by a spouse or loved ones. Without an exchange card, the help team can soon take a woman in labor only to an infectious maternity hospital.
It is advisable to exclude long-distance travel during this period. They are possible only in case of urgent need.