A description of any person can be made according to his external and internal qualities. At the same time, his inner qualities, character traits are more decisive for the attitude towards him from others. Lack of principle is also a character trait, but not the best.

Step 1
Each person has life principles - a certain set of rules and beliefs by which he is guided. Their presence and firm adherence to them determines a person of principle - whose behavior is predictable and arouses the respect of others, even when not all of them share these principles and beliefs. Of course, provided that the observance of these life rules does not prejudice the rights and freedoms of other people. At the same time, there should not be many principles - these are the fundamental laws of morality, some of which are formulated in the biblical commandments.
Step 2
Some of the beliefs, even in a very principled person, can change during life, and this is normal, because the person himself must change with age in the process of personality development. Every year he learns more and more, therefore he becomes wiser and reconsiders his attitude to many issues, already guided by his life experience. Such a change in beliefs is never abrupt and never depends on a change in external political, economic or cultural conditions, which is why such an ability to rethink one's attitude to life commands respect and does not make a person unprincipled.
Step 3
An unprincipled person also has principles, but they may not correspond at all to universal ones or change in accordance with the changing external environment. Refusal from those moral attitudes that a person declared yesterday in order to correspond to today's realities, to be “in trend” or to get some benefit from a change of beliefs - this is what drives an unprincipled person. Naturally, this behavior makes it unpredictable and therefore unreliable.
Step 4
A person who neglects morality and changes his beliefs cannot always be an outcast - there are times and situations when this quality is in great demand. It is in cases where those who are suggestible, who are ready to dance to the tune of others, who cannot and do not want to think independently and fight injustice, are required, that unprincipled people enter the scene. Yes, for the sake of some momentary small benefits, they are ready to neglect such concepts as conscience, honor, justice, duty, as well as the rights and interests of others. And often they live much easier than those who are not indifferent to these concepts and who do not compromise them. Of course, blaming external circumstances is simply stupid, because adherence to principles or unprincipledness is only your own choice.