School is an important stage in a child's life and development. Therefore, parents, even at the stage of enrolling their son or daughter in school, must choose a suitable educational institution. There is a certain procedure for enrolling a child in first grade, which parents must follow.

Step 1
Decide which school your child will go to. You can choose either an educational institution that is closest to your home, or a grammar school with in-depth study of individual subjects in an area remote from you. To get to know the different schools, visit the parenting open days that many schools host in March or April. But keep in mind that your child must be admitted only to the school to which your home belongs, that is, the closest one. In other educational institutions, there may simply not be enough places.
Step 2
Find out if your child is ready for school. Some schools interview children to find out if they are psychologically and physically able to cope with the workload. Consider your child's age as well. At the time of admission to first grade, he must be at least six and a half years old. At an earlier age, even with developed intelligence and skills, he may have learning problems.
Step 3
Get your child examined. In front of the school, a special medical card is drawn up for the child in his children's clinic, which is later transferred to the school. In addition to the pediatrician, the child is examined by other specialists, for example, a neurologist and an ophthalmologist.
Step 4
Apply to be enrolled in your chosen school. To do this, come to the director of the educational institution on April 1 of the current year or later. Take your child's medical record, birth certificate and your passport with you. It is not necessary to take your child with you.