Studying abroad can be a good experience for your child to gain independence, as well as improve his knowledge of a foreign language. Pay attention to England as your host country, as it is known for its high educational standards.

Step 1
Choose a curriculum that suits your child's age and language skills. For children who have not yet reached the Upper-intermediate or Advanced level according to the programs of standard English textbooks, it is advisable to first select language courses that will help them achieve the desired level of training. Such courses can be either short-term - lasting several weeks, or annual. If you are unsure of your child's level of knowledge, sign up for an international English exam, such as the TOEFL. This exam can be taken at one center accredited by the American Council of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (ACTR). For example, in Moscow, the exam is taken at the American Center for Education and Testing at Leningradskiy Prospekt, 2. In addition, such a test will have to be taken without fail when entering an English school.
Step 2
Contact an agency that sends children to study abroad. For language course programs, the international company EF is suitable, with offices located in many cities of Russia. In case you want to enroll your child in an English high school, it will be more productive to contact the educational institution itself, which can advise you on the admission requirements. Email them at the address given on their website. Naturally, its text must be in English. If this is difficult for you, seek the services of an interpreter.
Step 3
Find out what living conditions the child will have. If you enrolled him in language courses, you may be given a choice - checking into a hostel with other foreign students or living with an English host family. The latter option can be considered even more preferable due to the fact that the child will have a good opportunity to get acquainted with the culture of the country from the inside. When studying in schools with boarding status, all students live in dormitories at the school, leaving home for the holidays.
Step 4
Calculate how much the entire program of the child's stay will cost you. Consider not only the cost of education, which can be very high, but also the costs of living and living expenses, as well as flights home for the holidays. The approximate cost of education will depend on the level of the school and the age of the child. For children 5-11 years old, the cost of education ranges between 2500 and 4000 pounds per year, and in boarding schools this cost includes room and board. For high school, the pay increases and in the best schools it reaches 7,000 pounds.
Step 5
Take care of the paperwork for the child's departure. To take language courses, a short-term visa will be enough, and to study at school, you will need to apply for a long-term one. Please note that both parents must consent to the child's departure to England, even if they are divorced.