Parting with a beloved man brings a lot of pain to a woman. It is especially difficult to forget a person if you carry his baby under your heart and then raise your common child.

Step 1
Remember that your bad mood is passed on to your baby. Therefore, try not to focus on breaking up with your beloved man. As much as it hurts, you have a person you must take care of for many years to come - your child. The appearance of a baby will save you from loneliness forever. To quickly forget a man, take your mind off thoughts about him and take care of the baby and yourself.
Step 2
Think about the child. Soon you will have a baby - a person who will love you, no matter what. For several years you will be the center of the universe for him. Prepare to meet the main person in your life. Make a list of things to buy. Go to children's stores. Set up a nursery. Pleasant chores will distract you from sad thoughts about your loved one.
Step 3
Make a financial plan. You will not be able to work for some time after the birth of your baby. Calculate your savings, make a forecast of spending. Calculate how much benefits you should be paid at work, and what in the social security authorities. If this money is enough for the next 2-3 years, you do not have to worry about your financial situation. Otherwise, you should look for income through the Internet. This way you can work from the comfort of your home.
Step 4
Take care of yourself. Visit concerts, performances, museums and exhibitions that you have been going to for a long time. In movies, choose fun, light films. Walk as much as possible in good weather. Read the works of your favorite authors. You can also purchase books on newborn care, parenting and child development. When you have a baby, there will be practically no time for all this.
Step 5
Meet your friends. Have fun and try not to be alone for a long time so that thoughts of your beloved man do not overwhelm you. You can also find new girlfriends on pregnancy and baby sites and communities. Often, after dating on the Internet, women meet in real life. So you will find with whom to discuss issues related to the baby, and in the future, perhaps, your children will become friends.
Step 6
Tell your loved one about your situation. Even if you broke up, he should know that he will soon become a father. Dad and baby have the right to communicate with each other, even if the relationship between the parents is over.
Step 7
For several years you will be able to devote yourself only to the baby, without being distracted by caring for a man. Do not despair. In the future, you can meet a man who will love you and become a real father to the child.