Virgo man is one of those representatives of the stronger sex who loves women at home, serious, well-read and not afraid of boredom. This sign cannot provide ladies with thrills, he prefers stability, therefore he is looking for the same girl in his wife.

Step 1
A man loves women who are refined, with a gentle character. Virgo loves to teach, so he is looking for a lady for himself who can compromise for the sake of peace in the family. If the chosen one will always agree with the man, do as he says, she has a great chance of becoming the wife of the Virgo. In turn, the applicant for the role of wife should not criticize her beloved, he really does not tolerate such situations. Outwardly, the guy may not show that he is unpleasant, but inside there is a very vulnerable soul. Therefore, the role of a critic in a relationship can only belong to a man. The older the Virgo, the more difficult it is to convince him of anything. This representative of the stronger sex already at 20 - 25 years old behaves like a wise old man. And a woman should come to terms with such behavior.
Step 2
If your relationship is just getting started, the man will most likely arrange various tests for you. He will not let you close to him until he checks all the indicators of interest. And do not try to shorten the distance to the heart of Virgo as soon as possible, this representative of the Zodiac does not like obsession. Such attempts will only alienate the loved one from you.
Step 3
This man is not one of the romantics, so do not even hint that you expect such behavior from him. Otherwise, the guy will immediately understand that you are not a couple, because he needs an earthly woman. But at the same time, a man will appreciate compliments addressed to him, but they must be said to the place and without fawning.
Step 4
To get Virgo interested, behave naturally. In any case, he will feel false if you play a role that is unusual for you. At the same time, this representative of the Zodiac does not like reckless, capricious girls, and if you belong to their category, you have practically no chance. Virgo will appreciate a predictable, calm, even pedantic lady. If you have that character, show it to the man.
Step 5
He will introduce you to his family and friends. Be sure to observe how you communicate with children, whether you can find a common language with them. This is how Virgo assesses how good you will be as a caregiver.
Step 6
In the life of this representative of the stronger sex, his mother plays an important role. Having chosen for himself a candidate for the role of wife, he will definitely introduce her to his mother, and she will have the final word. Therefore, make a good impression on the future mother-in-law. Show that you adore her son, you will be an excellent wife, mistress and mother in the future.