Young children are extremely curious and inquisitive - they are happy to get acquainted with new objects, learning the world around them, and show an undisguised interest in a variety of activities. Spending as much time as possible with your child, you contribute to his all-round development, inspire him to search for something new, and captivate him with new games. It is not difficult to captivate the child - it is enough to offer him a really interesting and developing activity.

Step 1
To play together with a child, it is not necessary to buy expensive toys - small children are receptive, have a vivid imagination, and their imagination can turn any household item into an original toy.
Step 2
Try to entertain the child with finger paints - such entertainment will help develop creative thinking and tactile sensitivity of the child, give him a sense of color, shape, texture of paint. Give your child paints and paper, show how to dip fingers and palms in paint, and let the child draw freely what he wants, without getting hung up on any forms and plots. The kid will enjoy the combination of color spots, from the feeling of the material, from free creativity.
Step 3
In addition to colors, tactile sensations are well developed by toys made of material of different textures, as well as developing rugs. In the kitchen, invite your child to sculpt different figures from dough, like from plasticine.
Step 4
Fill colored bags with peas, large and small cereals, and let your child touch and feel them to get used to different materials. Give your child cups, spoons, bowls so that he has an idea of the volumes and containers - the child will have a lot of pleasure filling the cups and bowls with water, sand, cereals, and other materials.
Step 5
Lay out color pictures, children's books with bright illustrations in front of the child - let the child move freely between the books and look at the drawings.
Step 6
Remember that children consider all the things that are around them as toys - the world around them is like one big and exciting game for small children. Therefore, to protect the child from playing with dangerous objects, hide them where the child cannot find them or reach them.
Step 7
Leave only those items in the child's reach that he can play with without danger to his health.
Step 8
Combine business with pleasure - attach a set of bright and colorful magnets with alphabet letters to the refrigerator. While playing with the magnets, the child will learn the alphabet at the same time. Allow your child to experience all the possibilities that unfold before him.