How To Get 15,000 Rubles Per Child During An Epidemic

How To Get 15,000 Rubles Per Child During An Epidemic
How To Get 15,000 Rubles Per Child During An Epidemic

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Allowance for children under 3 years of age can already be obtained on the PFR website. For three months, the state will pay 5,000 rubles for each child.

How to get 15,000 rubles per child during an epidemic
How to get 15,000 rubles per child during an epidemic

In April, May and June, families eligible for maternity capital can count on supporting payments from the federal budget. At the same time, 5000 rubles will be paid monthly for each child under the age of 3 years. How and where to get the benefit?

First you need to go to the PFR website in the section "Personal account of a citizen", scroll down the site, and find the column "Maternal (family) capital - MSC". Then select "Apply" for an additional monthly payment.


Next, you will need authorization through the "Gosuslugi" portal (you must have a verified account). If not, you can fill out the profile yourself, upload scans of identity documents and confirm your identity through Sberbank Online. There are many instructions on the Internet today on how to do this. An account on "Gosuslugi" will be useful for you to receive other services that you can use online.

Next, a window appears where, in stages (step 1, 2, 3, 4), you need to fill in data about yourself as an applicant, information about children, as well as your account details, where this benefit, if approved by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, can be transferred.


Now the system is overloaded, therefore, from time to time, when filling out an application, you may be thrown out of the site. But many parents have already managed to do this. Those who have already used the service and submitted an application say that they promise to transfer funds within 3 working days.

Who is eligible for benefits?

  • A family in which there is a 1st or 2nd child, with whose birth she acquired the right to maternal (family) capital.
  • The allowance is paid for all children under 3 years of age. That is, if your family has two children and both of them have not yet reached the age of three, then you will receive an allowance for each in the amount of 5,000 rubles a month from April to June.
  • There are no other requirements for recipients of benefits. Family income is not counted here. Payments are made not from maternity capital funds. Even if you have already spent your capital, you are still eligible for benefits.

This temporary allowance should not be confused with presidential payments of up to 3 years, which are given to families with an average per capita income below two times the subsistence level. The benefit mentioned in this article is directly related to the coronavirus pandemic and the dire economic situation in the country. This is a temporary support measure from the state for families with small children in their arms. The Government also plans an additional payment of 3,000 rubles for children in families where parents have lost their jobs and registered at the employment center.
