The health of young children is monitored primarily by their weight. Each age has a certain body weight. And the lag in weight can be due to a variety of causal factors - from individual characteristics of the body to poor digestibility of food.

Step 1
If you notice that your child's weight does not reach the norm, do not rush to panic. First, consult your pediatrician on this matter. He will conduct a full examination, look at the test results and, possibly, establish the cause. After eliminating it, your child's weight will return to normal.
Step 2
Add more nutritious high-calorie foods to your child's diet: chicken, fish, potatoes, grains, vegetables, and dairy products. Bananas are great fruits. But do not feed your child with fatty foods, because they can only do harm. It is best to boil them or bake them in the oven.
Step 3
If the baby is still too young for such products and uses only milk and baby food, give him porridge. They are packed with carbohydrates and lots of nutrients. Start feeding him with buckwheat and rice porridge and then switch to oatmeal. After a while, you can add some vegetables to them, for example, pumpkin or stewed carrots.
Step 4
One of the reasons for the low weight may be the baby's poor appetite. In this case, increase its activity. Let him move, run and play in the fresh air as much as possible. You can also try to make a funny figurine, a smiling face, or a picture from the prepared foods on the plate. Perhaps, in this case, the child will be more interested in food.
Step 5
If there are no obvious reasons, the lack of kilograms may be caused by the individual characteristics of the child's body. All children, as well as adults, differ from each other. Therefore, you should not try so carefully to fit your baby to certain norms, especially if in his weight he is active, healthy and feels great. Do not stretch the child's stomach, because overeating can also lead to negative consequences.