Many people categorically refuse to believe in the influence of the name on fate. And at the same time, they are ready to talk at length about the influence on the psyche of music, poetry, on the effect on the body of ultrasound or decibels of rock compositions. Finally, at the laid table, discussions about neurolinguistic programming arise from time to time, and most even inveterate skeptics are inclined to think about the reality of it.

Step 1
But a name is also a set of sounds, more or less melodic, plus a specific meaning. In some of them, this etymological foundation is clear, for example, the meaning of the names Vera, Nadezhda, Love, Svetlana, Lilia and a number of others does not need to be explained to anyone. Others, having a non-Slavic origin or ours, primordial, but slightly disguised by age-old linguistic layers, are still quite "transparent". Many people far from linguistics will immediately explain that Victoria is Victory, and Sophia is Wisdom.
Step 2
Others are more difficult. For example, dictionary compilers still admit that the exact "root" of the name Alla is unknown. Either "different" (Greek), or "noble" (German). Maybe that's why some media Allahs are rushing from nobility to the opposite pole? Different - that's for sure about them.
Step 3
With Larisa it is just as difficult. It seems like a simple sound, and not without mystery. The origin of the term refers to either the Greek "sweet" or the Latin "sail", "seagull".
Step 4
"What's in a name?" - asked the great poet in one of the elegies. It is known that in the Don Juan list of Pushkin there were several Natalias, this name haunted him from early youth, becoming fatal. Natalia means "dear", but not white and fluffy. Natasha is a very temperamental person, proud, not accepting criticism, demanding adoration and admiration. Yes, charming, but sometimes insidious, affectionate, but always waiting for something in return. They are cheerful, but they can draw this energy, devastating others. So another piety's appeal: "Soothe my sorrows, Natalie!" - often hangs in the air …
Step 5
The meaning of a number of common names in translations from different languages of the world: Anna - "grace", Varvara - "savage", Eugene - "noble", Zoya - "life", Inga - "winter", Clara - "light", Lolita - " grief, sorrow ", Maria -" adamant ", Olga -" saint ", Tatiana -" organizer ", Ella -" bright ", etc.
Step 6
There is a long tradition of giving children the names of relatives and friends, as if choosing an earthly or already heavenly patron. Sometimes this attachment crushes too much, the girl is constantly compared with her aunt, grandmother or other "model", sometimes stopping attempts to build her own destiny. Remember the rule of the golden mean: let the girl “do life with someone”, but it should not be a “cloned” road.
Step 7
Should a newborn be named after relatives who are now living? The question is sensitive. Folk tradition does not recommend this, and there are reasons for caution. There is such an “unscientific” sign: one of the name-bearers pushes out, “survives” the other. After analyzing the sad experience of the surrounding families, you can yourself conclude whether there are grounds for such a version.
Step 8
But even if everything is not so dramatic, all the same, the parent has a great temptation to embody her unrealized ambitions in the heiress. Again, "forced", and this never benefits the continuer of the clan. Children must find their own path in life, and it is worth starting at least with the start-up capital in the form of their own name.
Step 9
Names cannot but influence women and men, if only because they hear these sound combinations every day more than a dozen times. And this is a certain sound resonance. It's good if it's euphonic. But if a person does not like his name, this is already a wake-up call. The combination of name and patronymic, surname is also not an idle question, and many parents think about it, naming the baby.