What To Do If A Child Is Stung By A Wasp

What To Do If A Child Is Stung By A Wasp
What To Do If A Child Is Stung By A Wasp

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Summer is the best time of the year to relax with children in nature or in the country. Children in the summer constantly walk, play on the street, are actively interested in the world around them. But it is at this time that stinging insects are very active. And parents need to remember about such troubles as bee stings, wasps or hornets. If your child has disturbed these hardworking insects, then a bite cannot be avoided.

Wasp bites
Wasp bites


Step 1

Do not kill a wasp or bee if it has sunk its sting into the skin. This can provoke an attack by other wasps. Better to just scare her away with a wave of your hand.

Step 2

Do not rub the bite site. If there is a sting remaining, gently pull it out with your fingernails or tweezers. If the sting does not give in (this can be with the sting of a bee, because it is a little serrated in them), then apply ice to the bite site and contact an ambulance.

Step 3

If you managed to pull out the sting, then neutralize the poison that has got into the skin. Rub the area from the wasp bite with lemon juice or aspirin powder. They have an acidic environment and neutralize the alkaline poison of wasps. Bee sting venom is acidic, so treat the sting site with a soap solution. If you have not seen who exactly bit the child, then treat the bite site with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, then apply a compress soaked in saline (1 tsp of salt in a glass of warm water).

Step 4

Give your child an antihistamine tablet to relieve pain and swelling. In nature, you can do with folk remedies: plantain leaves, dandelion juice or a piece of cucumber. These plants will relieve swelling and relieve pain.

Step 5

If the child has an obvious allergic reaction (shortness of breath, severe swelling of the bitten site, a rash on the body), then you should immediately give the child an antihistamine and treat the bite site with an anti-allergic ointment, for example, fenistil. If the child has been bitten by more than one bee or wasp, then immediately call an ambulance. Bites from stinging insects are very dangerous for children and can have serious consequences.

Step 6

In order to avoid wasp or bee stings, you should avoid flower fields and bright clothes, as well as perfumes with sweet and floral aromas. They attract bees and wasps. If the child has eaten something sweet (candy or fruit), then wipe his hands and mouth after eating so that the smell of the sweets does not attract wasps.
