The main qualities of a pedant are scrupulousness, accuracy, adherence to instructions and instructions, the habit of strictly following order. In other words, a pedant is a person who has concluded his life in certain rules and frameworks, while he strictly observes them himself and demands their exact observance from others.

What is the difference between pedantry and formalism
Absolute pedantry is usually rare, manifesting itself only in some area - for example, professional or everyday. Pedantry is often confused with formalism, but these concepts are not identical.
Formality is only a reflection of pedantry, it is its external, more noticeable part. For example, when a formalist worker sees his points in a document, he blindly follows their implementation. In turn, the pedant, before strictly observing them, will first carefully figure out why they need to be observed. In his zeal to find the root cause, he is able to rummage through a bunch of literature and reach the primary source.
Pedantism at work: how it manifests itself
The pedantic worker is not only valuable, but also inconvenient. In the case when the pedant becomes the assistant to the manager, you can be calm - he will not miss anything, he will not forget, at any moment he will have all the papers, calculations and reports in order.
He will record not only the exact time of the supposed meeting, but also the various wishes of the client, take into account his need for the company, collect as much information about him as possible for the boss. This will make the meeting most productive. Such a high efficiency of the pedant in some way makes him like a robot - he will not give up unfinished business and will begin to perform it exactly as much as is required for his boss.
Not every subordinate is able to withstand a pedant-leader. Harsh towards himself, he is strict towards others, insisting on perfect order in everything related to work. He will not allow the slightest delays and conversations over a cup of tea during working hours. He also does not allow to be negligent in the execution of documents, seeking impeccable execution according to the established model.
But such a boss, as a rule, will not delay at work - he strictly respects the existing laws, in particular, the Labor Code. A true pedant also meticulously observes holidays and congratulations. With such a boss, employees will never be forgotten on birthdays, they will certainly be congratulated on anniversaries that relate to their work.
It is quite easy for executive and obligatory people to be subordinate to a pedant: you just need to exactly follow all his instructions.
Pedant at home
If the wife or husband of the pedant is not a neat and disciplined person, life with him becomes hard labor. The apartment should be in perfect order, not a single speck of dust should be noticeable. All books on the shelves should be "calibrated" by author and section, height, importance, thickness and color of the spines.
Towels in the bathroom should hang exactly at the same level, always neatly straightened, and cups in the dryer with handles turned to one side. The pedant's apartment is somewhat like a museum, it is almost devoid of home comfort, which cute little things can give it in the form of a teapot left on the stove or a book casually thrown on the sofa. Each thing has its own permanent place, which it leaves only for a very short time.
As for the upbringing of children, here the pedant adheres to the same rules, namely: a strict daily routine should never be violated, at a certain time the baby should start asking for a potty, start walking, return from a walk or from school. In other words, everything should be "as expected."
Pedants in everything and always adhere to the order established once and for all, never deviating from it. This is their main merit and, at the same time, a mistake. Creativity and new discoveries cannot be driven into any rules of the framework, frozen canons lead to regression, but the observance of order, accuracy and accuracy allows you to preserve what was previously achieved.
However, it is worth noting that pedantry, in its moderate manifestations, is somewhat a useful character trait. By making peace with him, you can gain much more than you lose by completely rejecting such a person. Moreover, trying to fight windmills is an absolutely vain feat.