Phlegmatic is one of the types of human temperament, which is characterized by a rather stable psyche. Such people have a calm character. They are good-natured and solid.

Signs of phlegmatic people
Introverts are not uncommon among phlegmatic people. These individuals sometimes prefer to be not in society, but alone. They calmly endure the absence of company and like to dive deeply into their own thoughts. However, it should be noted that phlegmatic people do not experience communication problems. They normally adapt in society and do not suffer from communication barriers due to some of their detachment.
The character of phlegmatic people is distinguished by kindness and pacification. They are not characterized by nervousness and hysteria. Sometimes these individuals are even passive and slow. Such slowness can be considered a tribute for poise and stability.
If we consider the phlegmatic in the team, we can note his lack of aspirations to break out into leaders. This individual will be more willing to obey someone than to lead. In his work, a phlegmatic person is distinguished by thoroughness and conscientiousness, sometimes even meticulousness. His diligence is a compensation for slowness and even some lethargy.
The role of the phlegmatic in society
In society, a phlegmatic person can act as a follower. He easily succumbs to someone else's influence and can be so impressed by someone else's point of view that he will accept it as his own. This individual believes in authorities, observes hierarchy and tries to match his place in society.
Phlegmatic people are suitable for professions that do not require instant reaction or speeches in front of an audience. For example, such individuals can successfully work with animals or documents. You can also imagine a phlegmatic person as a tailor, cook, gardener. Phlegmatic workers are characterized by accuracy and thoughtfulness.
If there are phlegmatic people among your friends or acquaintances, you yourself may have noticed that they are good at showing caring or sympathy. They are pretty reliable people. You can be confident in them, as in a faithful companion.
These individuals are very responsible for their own phrases. If they promise something, they try to keep their word. Communication with such people is also pleasant because they are rarely out of sorts. A phlegmatic person does not lose his temper over trifles. In addition, these people are usually completely non-conflicting.
The gentleness, kindness and calmness of a phlegmatic person brings joy to those who communicate with him. But his slowness can make some more temperamental people mad. In this case, you need to be patient and understand that everyone has different rates and degrees of mobility.