Are There Brownies

Are There Brownies
Are There Brownies

Table of contents:


According to the mythology of the Slavic peoples, the brownie is the invisible guardian of the house and domestic well-being. And although official science is skeptical about the existence of brownies, there is a lot of evidence that makes us pay more attention to the study of this phenomenon.

Are there brownies
Are there brownies


Step 1

It should be said right away that there is no single well-established description of the brownie. But based on the testimonies of people who managed to see him or in one way or another come into contact with him, we can conclude that this creature belongs to a different dimension, but can appear in our world at will.

Step 2

The latter circumstance does not allow seeing the brownie at will - for example, having thoroughly searched the house. Any ordinary earthly creature, even the most secretive, would sooner or later be caught. The brownie can freely come into our world and just as easily leave it, so it is very difficult to notice it, let alone catch it.

Step 3

What does a brownie look like? There is some certainty in this issue - most often the brownie appears in the form of a short, bearded and shaggy man. He is strong and sullen, and it is very difficult to win his favor. There is a belief that time for brownies flows backwards - they are born very old, then they gradually become younger.

Step 4

Many researchers have tried to record the appearance of the brownie using a variety of equipment. Most of the attempts were unsuccessful; it was not possible to capture a clearly visible image of this creature using photographs and videos. Nevertheless, several times the researchers were able to record the movement of some energy formations, the contours of which resembled a short person.

Step 5

The brownie is the keeper of the hearth. The best way to maintain a good relationship with him is to keep the house in exemplary order. The brownie does not like dirt, therefore it is unfriendly towards slovenly people. Conversely, if you take care of your home, it will become a good helper for you, a keeper of your well-being.

Step 6

Remember that the brownie appreciates the attention shown to him. He needs to be fed - for example, put a bowl of milk in a secluded place for him, put a piece of bread. Brownies are believed to feed on odors, so you shouldn't expect milk to be drunk and bread to be eaten. But your attention will be pleasant to the brownie.

Step 7

Sometimes the brownie can start behaving aggressively - knocking, dropping objects, even coming to the owners of the house at night. Brownie aggression is just a way to inform about some unpleasant future event. In such a situation, you should analyze the latest events and your plans and try to understand what alarmed the brownie. Once you make the right decision, the brownie will calm down again.

Step 8

Believe it or not in brownies is a personal matter for every person. But given that there is still a lot of unknown in the world, it would be reasonable to at least admit the possibility of the existence of this amazing creature.
