In biology, the dominant male animal in a group is called an alpha male. The alpha male, with his loudness and arrogance, can subjugate the rest of the males within his group and, taking advantage of his dominant position, takes all the best from his subordinates. Often an alpha male is distinguished by a hypertrophied self-esteem, selfishness, a consumer attitude towards his own kind, a willingness to sacrifice anyone for himself.

Step 1
In human society, the status of an alpha male is acquired by people who have leadership qualities and seek leadership. These are domineering people, accustomed to command, who know how to achieve a lot in life, but prefer a one-time relationship in sexual relations. Despite this, the alpha male is consistently popular with the female sex. After all, a woman, like a female, instinctively tries to mate in the best of males. And the best not only in terms of their physical qualities, but also in terms of social status. Research has shown that typical alphas have elevated levels of serotonin and testosterone from birth. These hormones give men the qualities of alpha males.
Step 2
The alpha male can be distinguished even at first glance. While in the company, he interferes in all conversations, even without being familiar with the participants in the conversation and understanding the subject of the discussion. But at the same time, other men in an incomprehensible way come to terms with his behavior, recognize his status as a leader, instinctively feel his natural superiority. There are few men with pronounced innate leadership qualities - approximately 5% of the male population of the planet
Step 3
Often, alpha males, taking advantage of the attention from women, are too addicted to themselves and sexual relations, without achieving noticeable success in their careers. However, there are exceptions when the alpha manages to achieve heights in life, in business and in love affairs. As with animals, women have their first sexual experience with an alpha male. And often after this contact, children remain. If a married woman suddenly gets herself a lover, but again, in most cases, it will be an alpha. But, as a rule, such a relationship does not last more than a year and the man switches to looking for a new sexual partner.
Step 4
For an alpha male, love and marriage are completely different concepts. Love, in their understanding, is aimed at sexual relations, and not cohabitation and common life. This is why alphas rarely tie the knot. And if this happens, they quickly grow cold towards the spouse, they begin to treat her as a servant. And then they get divorced or start running left and right. Therefore, women who want to keep a male leader next to them should seriously consider whether they need such a spouse.
Step 5
Drawing parallels with the zoological classification, the rest of the men can be roughly divided into several types. Beta males are men who are similar in qualities to the alpha, but have not achieved this status. In any society, there can only be one alpha male and those who lose the fight for leader status become betas. Gamma males are men who stand out against the background of the gray mass, but do not have leadership qualities. Epsilons are the "gray mass". Omegas are socially unsettled people, losers, not adapted to life, lovers of beer, sofa and TV.