Our feelings are sometimes so contradictory that we ourselves cannot figure them out. It would seem that falling in love is an obvious thing, and immediately catches the eye not only to you, but also to those around you. However, it is not always possible to understand yourself and your feelings in relation to another person. It is not always possible to say with confidence: "I am in love." Sometimes we mistake friendship, respect, and sometimes even hatred for falling in love! To distinguish one from the other, you need to delve into your inner psychology.

Step 1
Psychologists clearly distinguish between falling in love and love. The first feeling is brighter, more spontaneous, the second is even and lasting. Falling in love often arises at first or second sight in the form of a burning interest in a person. then this interest is replaced by admiration. If you like your chosen one or chosen one in everything he does: how he dresses, eats, walks, smells, then you are in love. As a rule, when falling in love, especially at first, we do not notice any shortcomings in a partner. It is not for nothing that the people say that "falling in love obscures the eyes," that is, closes the critical and even objective perception of the world. Often, lovers rush things, they want to make far-reaching plans. Girls begin to come up with names for future children and dream about the style of a wedding dress. The guys introduce the chosen one to their friends.
Step 2
If you can't figure out if you're in love or just interested in a new person (or maybe an old friend), try spending some time without seeing or talking to him. Stop communicating on the phone or ICQ for at least one day, do not meet, do not study his Vkontakte page. Listen to your feelings. Do you miss this person? Think about him all the time and can't be distracted by something else? Want to call or text immediately to make sure he's okay? If you answered “yes” to at least one question, then it’s falling in love.
Step 3
Jealousy is part and parcel of being in love. In this case, a person may be in love not with one, but with several at once. And all of them will be jealous. Because the chemical reactions in the body trigger the possessiveness program. You are in love if you want to be with your chosen one all the time and are annoyed if someone else is applying for this role. You want to take your beloved or beloved) so far away that neither friends, nor admirers, nor relatives will get there.