Young and inexperienced guys often diagnose women with frigidity without even understanding the features of this disease. It is necessary to go to a specialist so that he assesses the patient from a professional point of view and gives recommendations for the treatment of frigidity.

The main symptoms of frigidity
The manifestations of this disease are quite multivariate. Even in one woman, they can change over time. Most often this manifests itself in the unpleasant sensations that arise during intercourse. A woman simply tolerates a man and treats sex with him as a duty. Some women experience certain pleasant sensations at the same time, but never reach orgasm. In some representatives, an orgasm occurs, but only from erotic dreams or self-gratification.
In many ways, overcoming female frigidity depends on the man, on his inherent tact, attention and patience. The partner, first of all, should strive not to get pleasure, but to deliver it to his partner. To do this, you need to be completely open and responsive to the woman's mood and her desires. This approach will help you deal with frigidity.
Sometimes the reason for the appearance of such a state is the elementary ignorance of the partners of the erogenous zones of their own body, the wrong setting or posture that does not allow the woman to completely liberate herself. When a child is crying in the crib next to her, and the smell of burnt roast comes from the kitchen, the woman will not be up to the manifestations of sensuality.
Diagnosis of frigidity and its treatment
Remember the main thing - the diagnosis of "frigidity" can only be made by a professional: a doctor-sexologist. In order to determine the cause of its occurrence, preliminary consultations with narrow specialists may be required. For example, with a psychologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist.
This disease can be treated with medication, using acupuncture, physiotherapy, or limited to a series of consultations with a psychologist.
If the disease is caused by physical causes, treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating them. But when frigidity is caused by psychological problems, you cannot do without the help of a good psychologist.
In addition, you can add aphrodisiacs to the diet: seafood, pumpkin, mushrooms, chocolate, raisins, cocoa, rhubarb, asparagus, spices, caviar, nuts, anise, coconut, onion, avocado, bananas, honey and other products.
An environment that provides both partners with maximum opportunities for emancipation plays an important role in the prevention of frigidity. Once and for all, give up thoughts that block sexual feelings: lack of time, haste, fear of appearing cheeky or funny, fear of pregnancy, etc.