On the one hand, it's hard to overestimate the importance of a first date, and on the other, you shouldn't treat it as a fateful interview for a vacant position in your entire life. This will get in the way of being natural and relaxed. There are a few things to consider when going out on a date.

Be discreet
Restrain yourself from showing sympathy for the man. Neutrality and some caution can create an interesting mysterious image that awakens the imagination of your interlocutor. While endless hints of loneliness fatigue and stories about their own failure in terms of relationships with the opposite sex, on the contrary, can scare anyone away.
Dress code
Men are conservatives. They are scared off by flashy colors and unusual accessories. You should be dressed appropriately first of all. If a meeting is scheduled outside the city, then a sporty style will do; in the restaurant - a dress, a clutch and elegant shoes; if in the evening after work - business clothes.
The first date is not the time to experiment, so stop at a neat natural hairstyle, inconspicuous makeup, do not wear provocative clothes, skirts that are too short, a deep neckline and do not use untested perfume.
What dishes to order
It is not accepted to eat up to the full, as is the use of beer, strong alcoholic beverages. Better to stop at a light snack, salad, main course without garnish and wine. Do not try to order the most expensive or cheapest on the menu, stick to the golden mean. Do not go into the details of your diet, it is better to make an exception - if you come to a pizzeria, eat a slice of pizza.
All attention is to the man
Disconnect your mobile phone, do not look at your watch, your task is to find out more about the man. Therefore, give him the opportunity to express himself, and your heart - to make a choice.
Not a word about the past
Men are owners. Any reminder that their target of interest has met someone else can hurt deeply. Therefore, he, for sure, will be unpleasant to talk about your "ex". Also not the best topics - problems, misunderstandings, illnesses, etc. Better to talk about abstract topics: hobbies, weather, city news. The more you listen, the better the impression you make.
No matter how the first meeting goes, it is worth trusting the inner sensations and the choice not of the mind, but of the heart.