What Kind Of Men Do Women Find Attractive

What Kind Of Men Do Women Find Attractive
What Kind Of Men Do Women Find Attractive

Some men are popular with women, while others are shunned by the opposite sex. Psychologists have conducted research and identified the very qualities that attractive men have.

What kind of men do women find attractive
What kind of men do women find attractive

Ability to earn

No, this is not because all women are mercantile. If you look at the feminine nature, everything will fall into place. A woman is primarily a mother. And when she gets married, she, subconsciously, wants to give all of herself to motherhood. If you think about it, are there many such women who would be ready to work, leaving a newborn child? If this happens, it is rather a compulsory measure.

Every mother wants her child not to need anything. Few will dream of living in a tent and the last piece of bread for three. That is why a woman who does not want to take on male responsibilities will first of all look at whether a man is able to earn money. If this is a woman-mother who wants to take some little man under her wing, this is a different story. By the way, there are many of them. They work three jobs while their spouse drinks beer at a bar with friends. And then they complain about life.


A man must have certain interests. The one who is not interested in anything is not attracted. If a person is inspired, burns, people are drawn to him. He walks forward, oblivious to the obstacles that come his way. If this fire is not there, the person is not attractive. Few people dream of pulling someone out of the swamp all their lives.


A person should get better every day. Constantly strive forward. If it stands still, it means it is moving backward. If a man is not ambitious and does not want to achieve more, then he will always be content with little without the prospect of growth.

A real man sets goals and achieves them. Otherwise, he is not interested in the woman who will give him the necessary energy and faith.

Male actions

No, this is not a thousand roses, as in the pictures on Instagram.

Do you know how an eagle checks her chosen one for readiness to become the father of her offspring? She drops a twig and the eagle catches her. One, two, five, ten. Again and again she checks the male to see if he will catch the twig thrown by her. Since eagles live high up, when the eagles learn to fly, they can crash to death. It is to preserve the offspring that the eagle carefully chooses a partner. Why is a woman worse? If she wants to fulfill her destiny, there will be a special approach to the choice of a man. To once and for all life. And in fact, the choice of a partner must be approached on the basis of his merits and demerits. Falling in love will quickly pass, and rose-colored glasses will break on everyday life.

Therefore, a woman wants to see male deeds. A man will always agree with everyone, solve problems on his own, if he says, he will keep his word, behind him like behind a stone wall. This is what attracts a woman on a subconscious level.

If a man himself does not know what he wants, scatters words, gets offended and waits for him to be called “in marriage,” this repulses.

External appeal

Here each has its own. But basically, according to research by psychologists, women are more attracted to a square chin, strong arms, protruding veins, and thick eyebrows. Looking at the beard, neatly edged 12-day stubble is most popular in the poll.

In terms of physical attractiveness, when greeted by clothes, a man is watching himself. Clean, well-groomed and with a normal figure. Of course, when people get to know each other better, appearance completely fades into the background. The most important thing is that the person is good.

Significant other

It so happens that something inexplicable happens. A woman sees a man and realizes that this is love at first sight. Here, none of the qualities described above will affect. But this happens extremely rarely, because falling in love is when one is loved for something. Then, when time passes and people become relatives, they love just like that. Sometimes even in spite of everything.


Again, when viewed from the perspective of procreation, a man must be reliable. There are many difficulties in family life. It happens that situations are out of the ordinary, in which a strong shoulder is simply necessary. Women are very emotional and weak by nature. If, in a difficult situation, a loved one also quits, this is scary. Therefore, a man must show reliability with all his appearance and confirm it with his actions.
