A declaration of love can be received from the one from whom you least expect to hear it. Sometimes this phrase is pleasantly surprising, and sometimes it can create an awkward situation. After all, if you do not feel reciprocal feelings, you must answer very carefully so as not to offend.

Understand your feelings. Sometimes it is very easy to do this, especially if you have been waiting for the cherished phrase from your loved one for a long time. Then you can happily say "I love you too" and hug. You can original answer "I love you" in other languages. Look on the Internet or in dictionaries how to pronounce this phrase correctly and memorize it.
If the feeling is not mutual
But if you don't feel the same, you shouldn't lie, avoid answering, or otherwise confuse the person in love. There are many ways to respond to “I love you” without feeling the same. Do it gently and gently.
Tell the truth. There is no need to invent pompous words, it is quite simple and clear to answer: "Unfortunately, I do not have such feelings for you, I am very sorry." If you like another person, please use the words “I love another person, I'm sorry”. So you will put all the points in the relationship, do not leave the person in limbo and do not spoil the impression about yourself.
Be silent. This tactic should be used as a last resort if you do not know at all how to respond to a declaration of love. Complete silence will create a tense atmosphere, so it's best if you can turn the conversation around. Be silent for a few seconds, making it clear that you have heard the question, and then say something else.
What should not be done in response to "I love you"?
Don't offer to be friends. Such a simple phrase puts a person in an uncomfortable position - they rejected him, but they do not repulse him, they give him hope to be around. And being in the role of a friend is difficult for a loved one, and such people will not make good friends.
Don't make fun of the other person's feelings. It was not easy to say these three words, so humor is inappropriate here. It takes a lot of skill and tact to translate such a delicate topic into a joke. If you do not feel such abilities in yourself, it is better not to try.
Don't tell your friends about the recognition. If you didn’t reciprocate, it’s better to pretend it didn’t. It is not easy for a person to get over your refusal, and if everyone goesssip and laugh at him, it will be very unpleasant.
If you are having trouble making sense of your feelings, take time to think. “It's very nice, but so unexpected. Give me time to figure out myself. After that, sort yourself out, understand how you feel and respond. Do not drag out the conversation so as not to torment the person in love.