Much has changed in our time, but the stereotype that a guy should be the first to take the initiative when meeting a girl is still alive for many. However, it is not necessary to be of the same opinion. You can approach a young man and get to know each other yourself.

Step 1
If you have the chance to meet a young man on the street, you should take a good look at him. Make sure that he is exactly who you need and start acting. It's good if you have a heavy package in your hands. Ask for help to bring it to the house. Most likely, this is how your acquaintance will take place. But, and if the guy refuses to help, do not regret. This is not your boyfriend.
Step 2
You can easily meet the guy first in the fitness room. Ask him to remove heavy equipment or tell him how a particular machine works. At the end of the conversation, be sure to praise his figure, note the achievements that he achieved in the classroom. No man can remain indifferent.
Step 3
If you and the guy you like go to the same library, common interests will help you get to know each other. Observe what kind of literature is interesting to your chosen one. Take a book on a similar topic and try to start a conversation with him about this book. Ask if he likes her, etc. Continuation of the conversation and further acquaintance is guaranteed.
Step 4
The easiest way to find a young man and get to know him is at work. Just drop the folder with the papers. As a rule, there are many people willing to help. The trick is to thank the person in time and start collecting papers with him.
Step 5
If the opportunity arises, as if by accident, touch the young man. Watch his reaction to your touch. Perhaps it is at this moment that a spark will slip between you, which will play an important role in further relationships. Most likely, you will want to exchange phone numbers, but you should not ask for it first, let the initiative come from a man.
Step 6
In any case, be easy to communicate, do not intrude, smile, be confident. If an acquaintance took place, and a conversation started, try to touch on immediate topics. Do not be discouraged if the acquaintance did not take place. The main thing is that now you know that you are able to start a conversation first, all that remains is to wait for an opportunity.
Step 7
There are simple psychological tricks that can help spark a guy's interest in yourself. Listen to what words the young man uses in conversation with you. Pay attention to his gestures. From time to time, use the same words and gestures in conversation as he did. It is important for a man to feel important, so listen to him carefully, from time to time, admiring his erudition and strength.