Very often, parting with a loved one is difficult for a woman, plunging her into an apathetic or, on the contrary, an aggressive-hysterical state. But you can endure parting calmly, remaining happy and self-confident.

Step 1
Stand in front of the mirror and repeat to yourself these words: "I am the most beautiful, intelligent and successful." Believe in these words, in yourself and your strength.
Step 2
You need to distract yourself. Go for a walk, observe people hurrying somewhere and think about their fate. Films and books are unlikely to enter your head when your heart is so compressed from pain, it is better to do something that does not force you to do anything.
Step 3
The most beautiful thing is evening walks. You probably have a lot of friends. And, if you do not like loneliness, then go for a walk with them. Perhaps you want to enjoy music, then take your player with you for a walk. Never think about what your ex-boyfriend is doing right now. You should not be interested in this, even if only in an artificial way. Then you will get used to the state of indifference and it will be easy for you to breathe.
Step 4
Think about something interesting, dream up. Imagine what your future husband will be like, what positive traits he will have that you missed so much in your ex-boyfriend.
Step 5
Perhaps you had a dream for a long time, for example, to pass on the license. It's time to fulfill your dream! Develop, learn more and more new things, step forward. Don't stop there.
Step 6
Be mindful of your appearance. You need to look so that it is pleasant for you to look at yourself. It would be nice if you change your image. Fully. Throw away some of your old things and new ones will definitely come to replace them. Change your color, change your hairstyle, use other methods of applying makeup. Do it for yourself. Until now, you have not had enough time to take care of yourself.
Step 7
You are now free. Enjoy this position, penetrate it! This is your independence, your new graceful image, which will soon drive your new worthy guy crazy. Most importantly, do not languish in expectations. Success will come to you on its own. Just believe in yourself.