The breakup does not happen out of the blue. The most common reasons are conflict, mutual inability to compromise, the illusion of incompatibility of characters, or real incompatibility. But sometimes the relationship simply exhausts itself, reaches an impasse, one of the partners realizes that it is time to leave.

Step 1
The conversation about breaking up with a guy should only be started in person. No messengers, SMS, phone calls and other methods of communication will have an effect. A sediment will remain, a feeling of reversibility. So make an appointment and tell them that you want to discuss an important issue.
Step 2
Don't start the breakup conversation right after the greeting. Sit in a secluded area where no one will disturb you. After that, in a short phrase in an affirmative tone, state the break. Possible formulations: “We are parting”, “We must part”. Most likely, the young man also thinks about it and will not argue. Otherwise, no matter what arguments he puts forward, no matter what he asks, remain adamant. To part means to part.
Step 3
Then state the reasons for the breakup. If it's about the guy's shortcomings: betrayal, aggression, jealousy, tell me bluntly that you can't live with them. Do not trust promises to improve, but also do not show cynicism. If the reason is different, state it. Do not offer ways out of the situation and do not listen to his suggestions. If the conflict has reached a break, then even this conversation will not change anything.
Step 4
For some time, if possible, do not mess with the young man. If you are working together or doing other common work, then in general meetings act as if nothing happened, but try to avoid touching him. Be polite and friendly.