Friendship between former lovers is possible, as practice shows, or both, or one of them still hopes to revive the relationship. And the very fact of your friendship with your old partner can prevent you from starting a new relationship.

Different relationships for love and friendship
More often than not, the phrase “let's stay friends” has a negative connotation for the person to whom it is addressed. Usually, by this, a person means that he no longer wants to have a relationship with his couple, but politeness and tact does not allow to say this openly and directly. In this case, of course, there can be no talk of any friendship. It is better not to hold on to such an imaginary relationship and not seek meetings with your ex. On the other hand, if you feel that the offer to remain friends was genuine, you can continue the conversation after the relationship.
There is another development of events, if love has long passed, and the relationship literally came to naught. In this case, both partners know that their feelings have long outlived their usefulness, they can no longer be returned. But at the same time, both are afraid to admit this to each other, so as not to quarrel and not to lose the remaining warm relationship. In such a situation, it is better not to be afraid and start a difficult conversation. Otherwise, you will have to suffer for a very long time from the breakdown of relations and wait for a possible first step from a partner-friend.
It is good if the feelings passed in both people at once, in this case warm friendships can really remain. It is much worse if some of the partners still have love feelings. With such a development of the situation, a scandal and a showdown is indispensable, which will nullify all the once warm relations and leave no room for possible friendship. Nothing good awaits former lovers when a cold partner breaks off the relationship, and a person who has retained love tries to seek friendship from a former couple.
If the breakup was very difficult for you, it is better not to try to make friends with your ex. So you can not only open up old wounds, but also quarrel with your beloved again. If nothing binds you, try to avoid meetings whenever possible. Remember that friendships based on a former relationship can grow back into a deeper relationship. And if none of the couple took into account the mistakes of the past, the breakup may repeat itself, which will lead to mental trauma for both people.
When friendship between ex-lovers has a chance
Friendship is possible only if, after parting, both former partners retained respect for each other, remained on good terms and did not turn into enemies. If a former couple has children together, you will have to communicate with each other politely and tactfully. In this case, people often continue to raise the child by joint efforts, which is possible only if good relations between the two parents are maintained.