Eidetic For Preschoolers

Eidetic For Preschoolers
Eidetic For Preschoolers

Eidetic is a special method of memory development based on activating the work of the right hemisphere of the brain, including visual images in the process of memorizing. This technique is especially effective for children of preschool and primary school age.

Eidetic for preschoolers
Eidetic for preschoolers

Do I need to develop a child's memory?

Today they talk a lot about the development of memory, that it is necessary to deal with the child from early childhood. Previously, much less attention was paid to this, maybe the development of memory is not so important? Why should a child have a good memory at all?

On how well and quickly the kid will memorize, his success in learning directly depends. The better the memory works, the easier it is for the child to assimilate new knowledge, which means that he will have more chances to achieve success, first in school, and then in career and business. And in simple everyday life, a good memory is a wonderful helper that allows you to save time and money. Unfortunately, nature does not endow everyone with a good memory. That is why memory development needs to be dealt with, and the earlier you start, the more results you can achieve.

Eidetics as a way to develop memory

Among the many ways to develop memory, eidetics for children occupies a special place. The term "eidetic" comes from the Greek word "eidos", which means "image" in Russian. Eidetic is a method of developing memory using visual images. In simple terms, the meaning of eidetics is to apply your visual image to any memorized information. Such images are generated by means of including the right hemisphere in the work, which is known to be better developed in children than the left. It is difficult for children to memorize information in the form in which adults present it: exact data and logical chains - all this is under the jurisdiction of the left hemisphere, which is not yet active enough in children. If you teach information from the point of view of the right hemisphere, it will become much easier to memorize and assimilate it. How can this be done in practice?

While developing a child's memory according to the eidetic method, adults themselves should become more observant, try to use fantasy. For example, you and your child are learning the alphabet: if you just show the child the letters and say their names, it will be extremely difficult for him to remember all this. If you take a bright primer, where each letter has its own characteristic picture, the assimilation of information will go much faster. You should do the same when memorizing any other data. So, if you need to learn a verse for a children's matinee, invite your child to draw the plot of the verse on paper. Now, in order to remember the words of the poem, it will be enough for the kid to reproduce in his memory the picture he has drawn himself. Likewise, you can memorize anything from songs and stories to dance moves. The main thing is to develop in the child the habit of always creating in his head an image of what he is trying to remember. With this approach, study will turn from a routine responsibility into an exciting creativity.
