A strong character is not an innate, but an acquired quality, but from birth all children have great potential, and it depends only on parents whether they can raise a child with a strong personality and develop this potential. In the process of becoming a personality, the character of the child changes, and you are able to influence these changes by putting energy into the child in a favorable direction and working on education from infancy. How to organize a child's upbringing to help him become a strong personality?

Step 1
From childhood, teach your child to simple work - realizing his responsibilities, the child will become more responsible, and he will also feel his own importance if you entrust him with some chores around the house. Set your child by example - always keep promises, do your chores on time and diligently so your child can learn from you and adopt your behavior.
Step 2
Teach your child to respect work, feel satisfied with important tasks, and help others.
At school, teachers are involved in raising a child, as well as the school curriculum itself - literature lessons can give a child a lot of knowledge in the field of honor, discipline, loyalty, duty, and various moral and ethical categories.
Step 3
Gradually, the child gains an intuitive understanding of good and bad, and this allows him to understand people and make the right choice, evaluating his own behavior.
Step 4
The school complements the upbringing of the child with a serious contribution to his communication skills, improves discipline, teaches to observe the rules and procedures, both at school and at home. Consistency, accuracy, purposefulness and organization are also very important for the child at this stage.
Step 5
Observe who the child is friends with and what kind of relationship he has with society. Friendship with peers, mutual help, the ability to share - all this helps to raise a child as a strong personality, and possibly a team leader.
Step 6
While shaping the child's worldview, help him build his own system of values and ideals, and also help determine the direction to the future - the child will gradually begin to realize what his life goals are, and what moral attitudes and norms of behavior they will be conditioned by.
Step 7
Orient the child's activities so that he constantly sees in front of him a model of correct behavior in different life situations. From time to time, a child must find himself in difficult situations in which he must independently make a decision and make a choice - this is how character is brought up, certain inner beliefs are created, and the task of the parents in this case is to support the child, and not to eliminate difficulties.
Step 8
Always keep an individual approach to each child, listen to his feelings, determine the motives for his actions. This will help your child find himself and develop the best character traits.