Crying is a baby's request for help, a signal to parents that the child is experiencing discomfort, hunger, or something hurts. You should not ignore the baby, wait until he cries enough and calm down himself. This can undermine his trust in adults. Parents should come to the rescue of the baby in time and eliminate the cause of concern.

A baby cries most often when he is hungry. The baby can open his mouth and look for his mother's breast, turning his head in different directions. If the baby is breastfed, it is necessary to feed not by the hour, but on demand. In addition, the mother's breast has a calming effect on the baby. It is important to allow the baby to be near the chest for as long as he wishes. In addition to satisfying hunger, the child must satisfy his sucking reflex. The baby can be bothered by wet diapers or a dirty diaper. It is necessary to change diapers every three hours so that irritation and diaper rash do not appear on the skin, which brings discomfort to the baby. Clothing for newborns should be soft and comfortable so that it does not rub the delicate skin of babies. If the baby is worried about something, a tummy hurts or he has a cold, you need to help him to endure the pain, pick him up and gently stroke his back, arms, tummy. During illness, it is important for a child to feel safe with his mother. If the crumb is tormented by colic, you should stroke it on the tummy with circular movements of the hand clockwise. You can put a warm diaper on your belly or use a gas vent. If your baby is full, has a clean diaper and is healthy, crying may be due to feelings of loneliness and a desire to attract the attention of parents. If the mother is busy at this moment and cannot devote time to the baby, you can distract the baby with a musical toy suspended above the crib, or put him on a developmental mat, which will take the child to study. For the full development and formation of the correct attitude towards others, the baby needs the attention of adults and their timely help. Crying is the only opportunity for a crumbs to express their desires or indicate discomfort.