Baby crying is a common concern for parents. It is difficult to recognize its cause, because sometimes there are a lot of reasons. It is very important for parents to feel the well-being and mood of their own child.

Causes of a crying baby in a dream
A baby is not yet able to speak, so the only way to get the attention of adults is by crying. It is with his help that he informs his parents about his needs: perhaps he is cold, his tummy hurts, he has written off or is hungry.
It is worth noting that the crying of an infant does not always indicate any problems. Small children can whimper just when they miss their mother, feel her warmth and presence.
The most common cause of a baby crying is hunger. At this age, his stomach is small enough to accept only a small amount of milk. Very often at night, he needs additional food. That is why he can cry. In this case, you should attach the baby to the breast so that he can eat. If the baby is bottle-fed, give him a bottle of fresh formula. Remember, not all children are able to calm down instantly. If hunger was the cause of crying, then as the stomach fills, the sobbing will stop.
If the baby cries regularly, you should pay special attention to the amount of milk in the mother and the dynamics of weight gain. Perhaps the child is not full and it is necessary to introduce additional complementary foods. On this issue, you should seek help from a pediatrician.
If crying has not stopped after feeding the baby, you need to look for another reason for the dissatisfaction.
Be sure to check if your child has gone to the toilet if he cries during the night while sleeping. If a cause of concern has been identified, eliminate it. An infant, even at such a young age, loves the feeling of dryness and comfort.
Very prickly, uncomfortable and tight clothes can also make a nursing baby act up at night. Try to choose the most comfortable styles of sliders and undershirts. Make sure the seams are on the outside.
Remember: rough seams in clothing can damage your baby's delicate and sensitive skin.
Helpful hints
If the child is often naughty in his sleep, pay attention to the air temperature in the room. For infants, a comfortable and optimal temperature is considered to be 18 degrees.
Some babies cannot imagine their life without their mommy. That is why, lying alone in a crib, they start to get scared and cry. In this case, the child must be reassured by hugging him.
Do not forget that the crying of a baby can symbolize some kind of illness. You should consult your pediatrician on this matter.