Many kids who have just started going to kindergarten cannot get used to it in any way. They cry when they leave their mother and just like that throughout the day. How to deal with this problem?

Adapting to kindergarten is stressful for any child. The kid is used to being with his mother all the time, in the center of her attention. And now he found himself in a completely new environment. He is surrounded by strangers, a large number of peers, but at the same time there is no closest person nearby.
Stress can manifest itself not only in crying, but also in hysterics, a categorical refusal to go to kindergarten or refusal to communicate with children. The adaptation period is also different for each child and can last from several days to several months.
Get your child used to kindergarten gradually. A few months before you plan to start attending kindergarten, tell your child about this place, what they do there and how they spend their free time. It is important to interest the baby in advance so that he waits for the day when he will be taken to this mysterious adult world. It is equally important to start observing the regimes that are provided for in the child care institution of your choice already at home. So the baby quickly and easily adapts to the new environment.
On the first day, leave your baby in the garden for just a couple of hours. If this time passes quietly, then you can gradually increase the period of stay in the kindergarten. It is important that the child gets used to the fact that you will definitely come for him later, and not worry about this. After 1-2 weeks, you can already start leaving the crumb for the whole day.
To make the baby feel calmer in an unfamiliar environment, let him take his favorite toy or book with him to the group. So the baby will feel that he is not alone.
Tell your child about how many interesting things await him in the kindergarten: games, fairy tales, dances, songs, new toys and friends. When he himself realizes that it is much more interesting there than at home, the adaptation process will take place faster and the child will happily start going to kindergarten.
For your child to trust you, always tell him the truth. If you are going to take your baby home only in the evening, then say so. You should not deceive the baby, saying that you will come in half an hour. He will spend the whole day waiting and will be very worried.
Tell your son or daughter that everyone has responsibilities. So, mom and dad go to work, older kids go to school, and kids go to kindergarten. Let the child feel proud in fulfilling his important responsibility.
After kindergarten, be sure to ask the kid about how his day went, what he did and what he learned. This will let the little man understand that his mother is always there, is interested in his life and supports him.