The modern world is very fast-paced and changeable. People are constantly in a hurry, every day they receive a lot of information, master new technologies and try to take everything they can from life. But even in such a crazy world, you want to be wise parents and instill in your children the maximum that is useful, light and kind.

Step 1
Love your children regardless of their success or failure. The child must be sure of unconditional parental love and support, this is a very big support and stimulus in life.
Step 2
Communicate with your child. Do not dismiss him, despite your busyness. Be sincerely interested in his life, ask about how his day went, subtly suggest how to behave in a given situation. If the child did something wrong, be sure to tell him about it. Thanks to such confidential conversations, you will win the trust and respect of your child, and at a difficult moment in life he will come to you for support and advice.
Step 3
Respect your child. He is already a person, although he is still small, he has his own thoughts, feelings and desires. Support him in all affairs and hobbies, praise him for victories and achievements, and do not severely criticize him for temporary failures. Spend time together, share your experience with your child. Be consistent in your actions, because the personal example of parents is the basis of child education.
Step 4
Give your child the freedom to choose. Listen to his opinion and allow yourself to make decisions within the framework of reason. If your child wants to do something specific, such as music or sports, give him the opportunity.
Step 5
Do not tell children offensive and cruel words: "You will grow up to be a bum" or "Here Vitya is a good boy, and you are a fool and a C grade!" Such phrases can reduce children's self-esteem and develop a lot of complexes in the child.
Step 6
Be honest and convincing. "You are not a greedy boy, think about how to divide pears into all children!", "I know that you are a smart and capable child and, if you think well, you will definitely solve this problem!" - such words make the child believe in himself and inspire new achievements.
Step 7
Do not hesitate to ask for forgiveness for your hurtful words, spoken in the heat of the moment, or unfair actions, because parents are also living people, they can get tired, angry and make mistakes. Children are very easygoing and will gladly forgive you.