Raising your adolescent child correctly is a very difficult task for parents.
Therefore, we have created this article to help you.

The classic way to educate teenagers.
Hormones are the main cause of mood swings in adolescents. Teenagers become lazy, irritable, impatient.
Children at this age think that they have already grown up and have finally formed their horizons. In this regard, they stop listening to the advice of their parents, thinking that they themselves are able to do the right thing. This annoys parents, they start yelling at their children. Dear parents, under no circumstances do this. You should raise your child's self-esteem, do not leave him alone, because this is the most problematic period of his life.
But don't let your kids get too much. They will certainly do what needs to be done, but they may suffer from their decisions. Sometimes advise your child on the best course of action.
Show your child that you are not indifferent to his life: give him advice, explain why you should do this, and not so, discuss with him on various topics. Then she will see and understand that you respect and understand him.
How to behave with a child.
You should be prepared for the time when your child yells at everyone for no reason and starts going to extremes. To prevent anything bad from happening, you should define the scope of his responsibilities. You should make it clear to the child what he should not do and what he needs. Don't overload it.
Your child should finally calm down. This moment will come when he finds out where his parents are already beginning to oppose him, and where their patience ends. You should clearly define this boundary.
Remember, parents, you will have to be patient. Accept your child as he is.
Give your child enough attention, but don't overdo it. Do not keep an eye on everything he does, but be sure to keep an eye on him so that he does not stray from the family circle. After all, this can lead to the fact that he will fall into a bad company and acquire bad habits.
Analyze every word you say. If you are not happy with your child's behavior, show it to him, but only carefully. Choose your words. Your child may not care about their studies during this period. If this happens, then talk to him about this topic, ask what his plans for the future, if he does not want to study. Also, if your child has problems with homework, help him solve it. With this action, you will kill two birds with one stone: the homework will be done mostly by yourself and the percentage that the child will remember the school topic increases.
You must inform the child in an understandable form what will happen if you commit a rash act. Also, the child must understand how to solve problems, how to think in order not to get into an unpleasant situation. For example: you have a teenage girl, she is going to go on a date with a boy, but you forbid her. She will of course be offended by you. But you shouldn't forbid her to go on a date, just talk to her before the date, explain to her what not to do at her age.