Sometimes parents think that the child does not understand their words at all, it is impossible to come to an agreement with the child. Therefore, parents break out in screaming, punish the baby, use physical punishment. The latter is a receipt from parents of pedagogical impotence and a demonstration that “the strong is always right”.

Step 1
Assume that you yourself were once children. What an interesting world was around, how many things I wanted to know and try! Decide for yourself whether you want to help your child grow up in this world or are you just too lazy and have no time to engage in childish nonsense, answer stupid questions?
Step 2
Focus on the future. How would you like to see your child? A soft-hearted person who is not able to object, defend his opinion or a free-thinking, responsible, self-confident person?
When choosing a line of behavior in a conflict situation, think about what quality you want to form in your child. Focus not on the use of punishment, but on the idea of correcting behavior in the future.
Step 3
Get into the child's position. Try to understand his momentary desires. Teach your child to act, compromise, negotiate, make decisions.
Step 4
Stay calm and cool, don't go over the top of your emotions. Psychologists say that in families where adults do not control themselves, there is no food either with children or with animals.
Step 5
Specify in advance mutual behavior in conflict situations. To avoid scandals in the store, discuss for what purpose you go there, what you will buy. Never buy anything beyond what is agreed. This will help the child develop a habit of keeping his word.
Step 6
Give your baby time to do the things you want. Before leaving the sandbox, warn the child that he has 15, 10 and 5 minutes (or 3-2-1) to complete the game.
Step 7
Get in the habit of discussing any conflict situations after they happen. When both you and the child are calm, analyze who did what wrong. You can apologize to each other. Decide how you will act in the future, what punishments the child will incur if the agreement is violated.
Step 8
Formulate the conditions correctly so that the consistency of the punishment is obvious to the child. You cannot manipulate parental love, subordinate it to conventions. Constructions with prominent logic will be more effective, for example: “if you don’t eat soup, you won’t eat dessert / sweets.” In such statements, it is clear that a child who does not fulfill the requirements logically punishes himself.