To negotiate with your teen, calm down and control your emotions. Explain clearly what you want. Explain why the sibling should do this. Speak confidently and calmly, and avoid long phrases and notations.

Step 1
To make an agreement with your teenager, first of all take it easy. If you scream, wave your hands and get nervous, the child will get angry too. As a result, a fruitful conversation will not work. If you feel that you are starting to boil, go to another room for a while, count to 10, drink some water. Once the anger has subsided, you can start talking again. But remember that the teenager also needs time to come to his senses and calm down.
Step 2
Remember that a teenager is no longer a small child who does not understand anything. And if you tell your offspring that you need to do something just because you or someone else needs it, you will not achieve any result. First, communicate with your child on an equal footing. In no case do not point out that he is stupid and does not understand much. Second, explain clearly and concisely what you want. Third, explain why this should be done.
Step 3
It is sometimes very difficult to come to an agreement with a teenage child, especially if you need something from him right now, but at the moment he does not want to do anything. Do not require your child to immediately fulfill your request, give him time. For example, instead of asking you to take out the trash immediately, ask when your teen can do it. Try to limit the time frame so that the child can complete the task a little later, but no later than a certain time.
Step 4
Many teenagers pretend not to hear their parents. And some don't really hear anything. One way or another, you must learn to attract the attention of your child. Make eye contact first. So stand in front of your teen and look them in the eye as you talk. If this does not work, try taking the child by the hand. If you doubt that the offspring understood and remembered everything, ask him to repeat your words. Do not respond to rudeness with rudeness, but strictly suppress the child's attempts to offend you. Your resentment will be useful. Perhaps the teenager will come to his senses, realize and correct his mistakes.
Step 5
To successfully negotiate with your teen, watch yourself and your communication style. Don't try to read the notation or repeat the same thing over and over. This angers and strains many children in adolescence. Don't say long phrases, they will be difficult for your teenager to remember. Speak clearly, clearly, calmly and confidently. Don't use harsh words. And try to be more affectionate, this approach can help you come to terms with your child without quarrels.