A rare family can do without the conflict of "fathers and children", the older and younger generations. It sometimes seems to teenagers that mom and dad have forgotten that they themselves were once at that age, and parents, on the contrary, remember all the dangers that awaited them and are trying to protect their children. How can you find a common language and negotiate with your parents?

Step 1
Do not try to resolve the issue with the help of sharp phrases thrown over the shoulder, reproaches, evil irony. Only a conversation-discussion in which parents and a teenage child take part will help.
Step 2
Choose a suitable place and time to talk. You can start a conversation if no one is tired, is in no hurry on business and everyone is in a peaceful mood. Ask your parents to take the time to listen to you, discuss the situation or problem. Behave yourself respectfully, let your parents know that this conversation is important to you and that you are motivated not only by the desire to express your point of view, but also by the desire to hear their arguments.
Step 3
First, outline the situation as you see it. Then ask your parents to speak. Discuss where your points of view coincide and where the core of the conflict lies.
Step 4
Invite your parents to think together about a compromise that would work for you and them. For example, if your parents do not allow you to return home late, and you want to go to a disco, both parties may be satisfied with the option in which you go to the disco, but undertake to return exactly at the appointed time. At the same time, in addition, promise not to turn off your cell phone and, if you have not heard and missed the call, call your parents back within half an hour.
Step 5
Remember that your parents are not in conflict with you because they are encroaching on your independence. The reason is that they are concerned about your safety. If you want to solve any situation in your favor, think about what guarantees of your safety you can provide to your parents.
Step 6
Never break a promise. If you said that you will return home no later than 1 am, be in time. If you promised to call back within half an hour, check your phone regularly. Over time, parents will get used to the fact that you can rely on your word, and it will be easier to negotiate with them.
Step 7
Reassure your parents that you will not use the freedom provided to acquire bad habits and make dangerous acquaintances. Whenever possible, express such views to others in front of your parents, and of course, as always, keep your word.