When a child appears in a family, it is always a joy. We are happy to watch children - how they grow, develop, learn about the world. There is no greater happiness than seeing a child smiling. But children do not always bring only positive emotions. They are naughty, they strive to do everything in their own way and do not take our advice. This can be dealt with.

Patience, the ability to find compromises, imagination, self-control, humor
Step 1
Patience and patience again. Children, especially small ones, react very sharply to our condition with you. Children have a very strong emotional bond with their parents. And if the child notices that you are nervous, your nervousness will be transmitted to him. He will start to be capricious and insist on his own. And you have completely different goals.

Step 2
Use your imagination. The younger the child, the easier it is to distract his attention. However, older children can also switch to what you offer them if it is done in a playful way. The main thing is to give the child the impression that he himself wanted to do this. And the playing form is optimal for this.

Step 3
Remain calm and positive. The child does not always rush to fulfill our requests right away. More often than not, he finds a lot of excuses not to do some tedious work, for example, collect toys or teach lessons. But a benevolent attitude in this case is necessary. Never raise your voice at the child - the result will be his screaming back and even more disobedience.