It is generally accepted that disobedience is a "bad" behavior for a child, that a child must obey his elders in everything. What would have happened if children really always obeyed … and never learned to make independent decisions?

Disobedience is okay
Is it possible to meet perfectly obedient children, in all the following instructions of the parents? It is hardly possible. It is worth remembering that a child is a separate, independent person who develops and learns the world, including through disobedience. A child who does not "fill his own bumps" is unlikely to learn to independently make decisions and act, adapting to the circumstances, it will be very difficult for such a baby to grow up, he risks forever remaining a "mama's boy" or "little princess".
In addition, there are many age-related crises during which a child can exhibit the most "terrible" behavior. Parents can only realize that this behavior is completely normal! And learn to live and get along with your "little monster."
How to find a common language with a naughty child
Don't ask your child to immediately follow any direction. Try to calmly ask: "Please do …" or: "Won't you do …"
You should not forbid the child to learn about the world. If he constantly encounters inhibitions from his parents, the reaction will be the opposite. It is important to remember this, especially when your child begins to "explore" the house. The task of parents is to ensure safety: raise the pots of flowers higher, put plugs on the sockets, and so on.
Children try to imitate their parents, repeat the actions of their parents. Take advantage of this and at the same time observe yourself: wash the plate after eating, put your clothes in the closet. It is possible that in this way you will instill in children a love of order.
Try to establish a daily routine and agree with your child about its implementation. Try to strictly adhere to your own rules. For example, you can play after the child has eaten. If the rule is applied every day and you do not allow indulgences, you will see good results. Instability on your part can cause confusion on the part of the child.
Praise your child sincerely for good behavior. If you only react to his pranks, the kid may decide that only with the help of pranks he can get your attention. Even small successes should be noticed, for example, the toddler has learned to brush his teeth or lace up his shoes and so on.
Of course, to see the long-awaited results of your efforts in raising children, you need to be patient. But the result is worth it.