Expectant mothers are often afraid of crying babies because they do not know what to do with a crying or naughty baby. Before the baby is born, it is necessary to find out about the possible reasons for the crying of the baby and how to calm him down.

What are whims
It is not too correct to say that the baby is naughty. A whim, according to Ushakov's dictionary, is a whim, an unmotivated desire. Whereas the baby cries exclusively if he is uncomfortable and needs something. What exactly does a crying baby need - it is necessary for its mother to determine. In fact, there are not so many reasons for crying a baby. Not all of them, however, are easily removable.
Desire for comfort
There can be several reasons for a crying baby. Among them, the simplest and most common is a wet diaper. Intuitively, the baby wants to be warm and dry. As soon as he feels that he is uncomfortable, he will call mom. Moreover, if this sensation prevents him from sleeping. The only way to call mom for a nursing baby is by crying. Therefore, the first action of the mother to calm the newborn is to change the diaper.
If the baby is hungry, then he will definitely inform his mother by crying. In the first month of his life, a child most often wakes up from hunger. In fact, in order to eat, he wakes up. After all, urination, for example, occurs during sleep. Therefore, after changing the diaper, the baby needs to be fed.
Pain is also a feeling of discomfort that the child needs to be helped to cope with. The causes of pain can be different. It can be intestinal colic or cutting teeth. If the baby has a diaper changed, fed him, and he does not stop crying and cannot sleep, then most likely the reason is pain. If the baby's age is 1-3 months, then painful sensations are more likely associated with colic. In this case, you should apply a warm diaper or heating pad on the baby's abdomen, massage the abdomen clockwise and give drugs for childhood colic.
Crying from toothache is more likely to occur when toddler is older than 5 months. In this case, pain relievers will help.
The breastfeeding itself for the infant is slowly becoming more than just a way to remove hunger. It is also a natural pain reliever. Therefore, a slightly grown baby can ask for a breast not only from hunger, but also to calm down and reduce pain, including toothache.
Desire to communicate
The desire for bodily contact, touch is not just a whim of a baby, but his vital need. Therefore, the baby can be well-fed, dry, he has no pain, but he continues to cry. This is because he wants attention and communication. In this matter, it is necessary to find a "golden mean". For the baby, it is ideally in the arms of the mother around the clock. But it is quite understandable that this is impossible. Therefore, the mother must find the necessary balance so that the baby has the opportunity to be in her arms, and she herself can do the necessary things. As a bias towards constant hyper-care for the baby (the mother drops everything and always immediately runs up to the child at the slightest cry), so ignoring the baby's need for communication leads to the formation of a capricious child.
In any case, you first need to eliminate the simplest reasons for the possible crying and whims of the baby - a wet diaper and hunger. If the alleged cause is pain, then no immediate effect of the measures taken to alleviate it should be expected. It can be difficult and time-consuming to reduce it. Sometimes you just need the time and care of your beloved mother for the baby to calm down.