People have heard the caustic saying "Husband and wife are one Satan." Of course, this is a figurative exaggeration, but many spouses, especially those who are loving and have been married for a long time, really begin to remind each other in characters, manners, habits. Therefore, two different people sometimes behave as if they are one.

Why husband and wife can be considered one
Marriage is the art of compromise. Wise and loving spouses, having gone through the initial difficult period of "grinding in characters", learned to avoid conflict situations. If a controversial issue arises, they choose intermediate, compromise solutions that more or less suit both parties, that is, come to an agreement. Therefore, it is often said about friendly spouses that they even think the same way. Although in reality, of course, this is not the case.
In addition, if a marriage is truly happy, based on love and mutual respect, the husband and wife try not only not to upset each other, but also to support each other in everything. Even if one of the spouses understands that the partner was mistaken, did not act in the best way, family solidarity often keeps from criticism and disapproval (especially in the presence of strangers). And from the outside it can give the impression of complete agreement, indulgence. And people shrug their shoulders knowingly: well, of course, husband and wife are one.
In a loving family, the husband and wife take care, worry about each other. The other is going through the problems and troubles of one of the spouses as painfully as his own. Accordingly, both the success and the achievements of the spouse genuinely delight his "half". Actually, this is one of the main tasks of marriage: so that the husband and wife are always there, support each other both in joy and in adversity. A loving husband, for example, will definitely help his wife with housework or taking care of a small child so that she does not get too tired.
Finally, as a result of long cohabitation and communication, spouses can adopt from each other some habits and hobbies. And if they have a common interesting hobby, the marriage will become even stronger and happier.
Can a husband and wife always be "one whole"
All people are different, and families, accordingly, too. There are many cases when spouses, even after long years of marriage, maintain some distance, behave differently in the same situation, often argue, have completely different tastes, habits, and hobbies. That is, calling them "one whole" can only be a stretch. Nevertheless, they are completely satisfied with such a relationship, and they themselves consider themselves a happy couple.
Of course, if the marriage failed, if the husband and wife are in conflict regularly, stubbornly unwilling to compromise, and the question of divorce arises, there can be no question of any "one whole".